which RODI


Well-known member
Finally biting the bullet and thinking of getting a RODI unit

now which one to buy ? would place order this time tommorow

i know many people prefer BRS .. so the one that says 4 stage RODI economical is that good enough ?
I have a BRS; got it used at a decent price. Most RODI filter used the same filters so I don't think there's huge difference in the different brands. If I were to get as new one I would consider alternate brands that are in eBay.
Same one I went it.
For 200 shipped. Not bad at all. I love mine.

Correction. I paid 200 shipped. On sale is even better.

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I have the BRS 6 stage. My only complaint about the BRS' RO/DI is the sediment and carbon block configuration. It comes with 5micron sediment > 5micron carbon > 1micron carbon. You are basically using the 5micron carbon as a sediment filter. Which it's not designed to do also it is only good for 6000 gallons. Then you have particles smaller than 5 micron but larger than 1 micron hitting the 1micron carbon block. Clogging it up. The 1micron carbon block is good for 20000 gallons. So when it comes time to replace your filters do 5micron sediment > 1micron sediment > 1micron carbon. It will save you $5, its more efficient, and makes your carbon block last longer. BFS and Spectrapure both do this.
Yeah, BRS ftw. Good pricing, super easy to work with, comes with what you want, and really cheap replacement filters.
I use one of the 6 stage cheapies from ebay and it works as well as a KENT unit I also was given. The containers on the kent are nicer but I only paid $88 for a 6 stage unit shipped from Ebay. I have replaced the filters and it still works the same. They are basically all the same thing as far as I can tell.
i jsut placed an order with BRS for a 4 stage :) (3 stage ro and 1 stage di ) hope it works fine ..
Not really knowing or doing my research my bad. It's a water general,but the brand is probalby just fine, it's just that I bought it second hand it needed the filters changed and I can't even get them to unscrew. I could just kick myself in the butt for not knowing and not having the person that sold it to me not demonstrate that it worked.

why ? what are you using now ?
Not really knowing or doing my research my bad. It's a water general,but the brand is probalby just fine, it's just that I bought it second hand it needed the filters changed and I can't even get them to unscrew. I could just kick myself in the butt for not knowing and not having the person that sold it to me not demonstrate that it worked.

go to HD and ask them for a strap-wrench. That will work like a charm to get the filters out.