which salt brand?


Active member
What salt brand are you guys using? I have been using the regular IO for 6 years and I just bought a bag of oceanic to try out. I want to settle on one mix for the reef. What do you guys recommend? I know there are a ton of good ones but seeing what you guys use and experiences definitely helps narrow it down. :)
IMO for reef tanks Red Sea Coral pro is best. Highest levels of alk and calcium and LOADED with trace minerals.

It's priced fairly well too. It mixes quickly and evenly, and I never had any issues. IMO, if you have to get used to salt, its not for you though (WALT!!).
Anything is expensive compared to IO. $65 on BRS for 175g. That's only $13 more than IO at $51.99 for 160g. So per gallon Red Sea CP is $0.37 a gallon, IO is $0.32. For 5 more cents a gallon you're getting higher calcium, alk, mg, and infinitely more trace elements than with IO.
Hm, IO is cheaper on DFS but Red Sea is cheaper on BRS, lol.

Anyway, still holds true, you're getting a much higher quality salt, with much better levels and infinitely better trace minerals.
If you're trying to save money, get IO. If you want a high quality salt, you're gonna pay for it.

My 110 will be FOWLR, so IO is going to be my salt, but I'd never use anything other than Red Sea for a reef tank again.
I wouldn't mind spending more on quality salt but doing 50g water changes every 3-5 days on my fowlr to lower the nitrates and phosphates with the red sea salt would run dry pretty quick.

Any other recommendations? I bought oceanic based on a couple of reviews from people that its very high on cal, alk, and mag but haven't checked myself.
Red Sea has a formulation for carbon dosers as well. Has all the same goodies in it but lower Alk. I've been using it for about 6 months and really like it.
so what happens if u use bio pellets and have high alkalinity salt?

I originally used Red Sea CP and it would jack up my parameters every time I did a water change. It was literally impossible to lock in my dosing settings because of it. Now when I do a water change, all the parameters of the new water going in are the same as what is in the tank. I can lock in my dosing now and the tank is a lot more stable.
I use oceanic and have for a long time. I quit using it when dfs stopped carrying it and switched to IO reef crystals. I didn't see much of a difference between the 2. I have not tried any of the more expensive one but I am willing to try them. I also really like the 6 gal bucket it comes in and so does my friend who sets tile for a living.