which salt brand?

everyone ends up having a favorite salt but i found that unless you are doing carbon dosing or one of the systems you dont really notice much different between salt brands. I have tried tm, brightwell, rc, io, oceanic, red sea regular, red sea pro coral, seachem reefsalt, have not really noticed much difference in livestock. Im currently using instant ocean to support a few sps and it does fine for me. I was still using io when the tank was full of sps and had 2 clams, had to dose everyday but most likely would have to dose with any brand of salt. It might also matter than i mix to 1.026 but io comes out to: 440-460 calcium, 8.5 dkh alk, magnesium north of 1300
I also use Salinity and have been very impressed at how stable my tank has been. It's more expensive, but you also use less salt than other brands.

This the reason I will stick with Salinity as well. My numbers are where I like them, on the higher side and a weekly 5 gallon water change basically does most of the dosing for me. I've done multiple water changes and i've barely made a dent in the amount of salt I've used in that bucket. I don't think I will have to buy anymore salt until spring. One bucket makes 225 gallons of water at 1.026 and if you keep your salinity lower than that, as I do, you'll get even more then 225 gallons of salt water.