Who wants a 8x8x8 DeepBlueProfessional Cube? (GroupBuy)

Petco sells 2.5g and 5.5g tanks for under $15 and they are available everywhere. Might not be rimless but nothing 10 mins can't fix.

Just throwing that out there...
I work in Des plaines and can pick up in Elk Grove.. But I'm still far for many :(

Might be better off like Joe said above with the Petco tanks..
Ok will the rate this is going I might just buy mine from Best Fish- If he has them available, But even with that being said driving back and fourth is bascially costing about $50 to $60 in the long run to fill back up once you return home...

Does anyone know if Dave got more in at AP, he stated last week he would have more in this week.... It's friday
Ok will the rate this is going I might just buy mine from Best Fish- If he has them available, But even with that being said driving back and fourth is bascially costing about $50 to $60 in the long run to fill back up once you return home...

Agreed, sears is looking to be the best priced option for the DeepBlue if a groupbuy roadtrip to Milwaukee or $90 shipping option are not feasable.

Right now Sears is @ $48 shipped for theirs.
Was at AP the other day. He only had one broken one. Hell, Meijer even sells little rimless tanks for $30 or so. Might be an option also.
I will let you know if they shipped it.... Normally they will have them drop shipped from the manufacturer if they don't have them in stock. I know PA does that alot when things are not available or they have on hand...
I will let you know if they shipped it.... Normally they will have them drop shipped from the manufacturer if they don't have them in stock. I know PA does that alot when things are not available or they have on hand...

i just ordered that one too, so we'll have a race. .. :) sorry if that blows the GB, but I love things coming right to my desk at work :)
i just ordered that one too, so we'll have a race. .. :) sorry if that blows the GB, but I love things coming right to my desk at work :)

Haha... Same here everyone at work knows when something fishy comes in it's mine... lol
The reason we are going this route is not to make it easy or hard or otherwise. The point was that it was something a) cheap b) resellable c) uniform. We need to have identical tanks to make this work. Be patient we will all get one.
I'll call it then, the GroupBuy is dead. One of the five YES are out and probably a second. The volume just doesn’t make it feasible due to shipping costs.
Not if we can get it shipped individually at the same price. Save some gas for sure.

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