Windy City Reefs


Premium member
Is this an active company? I know their frags are still floating around, but I thought they shut it down years ago? Tonight I stumbled on to their website and it has products that are somewhat new. Did someone start the company back up? Is the website just a zombie website that isn’t really operational?
I think that someone probably picked up the domain and the name for residual traffic. Jorge and Eric never ran the company out of Huntley, and it looks like the contact name is Mark now? I miss those guys; visiting Eric in Evanston was was one of the highlights of my time as a reefing hobbyist before I got into the commercial side.
It also looks like no one has updated the copyright slug since 2016, so it might be a zombie site too. Hooray?
Mark Gluszek (he is in this forum) took over the WCR years ago. Eric who first owner moved to Hawaii.
Jfc these coral prices. Thanks but no thanks. Lol

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You can see that the site has not been updated for a while. Fox Flame and Sexy OP are crazy expensive, but Aussie gold torch for $125. Prices are behind with the trends.