Wondering how often do you have to replace you rodi membrane,filters,media?


Premium member
Hello everyone I was curious how often others here in Chicago have to replace there sediment filters,carbon blocks,membrane, and di resin. I realize the manufacture puts recommended time or gallons for the product on there sites but I find these values way off from what I’m getting. The reason for my question is that I’m using 4 tds meters thu out my rodi setup to monitor the effectiveness of the unit and after replacing sediment, carbon, and new membrane I get the proper 1 tds or so out of membrane going to di but after only 3-4 months I now have 3-4 tds which is way higher then the rated 98-99% rejection rate. Puts my membrane somewhere about 90-95% only. Then obviously I’m burning thru di resin to get to 0 tds again. So I think about my membrane getting dirty from sediment and or carbon being exhausted and not working properly but at only 3-4 months old how can that be? I do go thru 4-500gallons a month so that’s about 1500-2000 gallons which still is within manufactures recommended amount. Anyways sorry for long winded talk what are some of your experiences or opinions. Thanks for any help.
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I’m curious about this topic as well. Here are my facts; Naperville 50 year old house and related plumbing. Faucet municipal water tds 155-160 and in winter is really cold approx 45-50 degrees, which I’ve always wondered if it impacts the membranes. I change my prefilters every six months (trying to maximize RO membrane protection and life), 1 sediment and two carbon blocks. I use Dow Chemicals RO membrane 75gpd, all filters typically from BRS. I have tried Buckeye Hydro‘s coconut carbon, no significant improvement in results. I produce about 200 gallons a month, and about 40 of that is drinking water, so no DI use. Last membrane installed 6/28/21, initial output was 2 tds for a short period of time and today (8 months later) the average tds in the output is 6 equating to an approximate rejection rate of 96%. The membrane prior to this latest membrane lasted about two years before tds output reached the double digits, which is when I will usually replace.
For the cost of filters, I gladly pay for replacements to insure that my water is good. In Lake Zurich, I make around 150 gallons a month and change my filters every 2 months and RO membrane every year. I run a BRS 7 stage with booster pump and dual membranes. My anion resin goes first, then my mixed bed, no pressure or TDS changes. Ill change everything and start again.
I change my membrane every 2 years (per instructions that came with it) and the filters once the DI resin has changed from blue to brown.
As long as it’s a quality Membrane, they can usually go at least a year, possible 2. really just depends on how good or bad your regular home water is?
My other filters usually last at least 6 months but I have pretty decent water to begin with.
I just monitor with my tds probe and swap out as needed.
If you don’t already have a tds probe / meter, I would recommend getting one.
They sell the handheld meters for like $25 on Premium aquatics, they are not expensive. I am not sure if any local stores would carry them? You’d have to check.
They also have an inline version.

Sediment every 6 months. carbon every 4 mondths. DI every 3 months and membrane about every 4 months. Sometimes I put a sticker with the date on the housings or in my tank notes. My tap water has about 250-280 tds.

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My tap TDS is ~60 and TDS out has never (regardless of how long go between filter changes) climbed above 20...for months and months it stays 0TDS. My battle has been silicates...

So I stopped chasing TDS numbers and now change RO filter every 2 years and use my eyes (have to clean the glass more than 1/wk and/or filters turn brown) for when to change the other filters. DI burns though in 2 (to 3) months. The others go 6+months.

FWIW, I have my RODI plumbed to an Avast Barrel Tender that auto-refills my 6g ATO every 3days. RODI's don't like turning on and off hourly, so that's why my ATO is essentially "2stage". If my ATO container wasn't built in to my sump I'd use a much larger container and reduce the refill frequency to once a month. I mention this because theoretically this should be burning my RO filters faster (I have 2 in parallel) but it doesn't seem to mind the 3day cadence.