Would this actually work in a reef tank (or even FW)?



I've seen styrofoam referenced in other DIY threads, but I always thought you pulled it out before the cement set or something. Is it safe to leave that permanently in the tank? Granted this example is sort of lame, but its a really interesting way to solve the back wall.
There are a ton of vids on youtube showing how to diy reef rock. It turns out very nice and you can create your own shapes/structures by casting it in sand.
There are a ton of vids on youtube showing how to diy reef rock. It turns out very nice and you can create your own shapes/structures by casting it in sand.

Thanks ETR

But can Styrofoam stay in the system even if the SW comes in contact with it? I'm also amazed that the PH isn't super high for a long time when you do this. This hobby is amazing sometimes. A little downy fabric softener can destroy your entire tank, but epoxy, cyano-acrylic, silicon, and apparently Styrofoam are ok? There is no intuition with this. It has to be research.
There's some intuition. Fabric softener is created to break down salt deposits, disrupt normal chemical processes. Styrofoam is completely inert. Epoxy can ruin your tank if it's not done curing, and same with silicon. It just depends on if the substance is meant to break down or not.