Wth is going on here?


New member
Short of it is my sps is totally fine. Zoas and paly are being pissy. a bunch are inside out, some dont feel like opening, and others seem fine.

Water is testing 0 nitrates, ph and alk are good. No way to test phos.

One thing I notice every day is that in the am, the substrate is looking ok, by 1pm, like clockwork, large parts of the sub have a dark brown algae of some sort...any helpful advice or path would be awesome.

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When you say sps is fine -- sps are just there and not dying ? or do you see PE on sps ?

some times zoas decide to do weird things when there is too much flow .. also by habbit we always place zoas/palys in relative lower light than sps so may be they arent getting required light ( inside out polyps might be cause of light )
The few sps i have are thriving. The issue with the zoas and palys is not flow or light. Some high some low and everything in between. I'm more concerned with tge possibility of a water quality issue or un noticed pest and just looking for things to be mindful of.

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That algae you mention... Is it slimy when touched? Does it lift off in sheets? It could be cyanobacteria?
I never touched the algae. it looks like diatom...but like i said...it's gone in the am and regrows by 1pm.

Vit c is not gonna fix my issue. they were all fine before without it...

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Jason Sorry to hear you're having trouble. I think it might help others diagnose if you post more precise water parameters and a little about your tank. For example, good alk values can differ vastly from tank to tank but higher "good" levels may not be necessarily good for some inhabitents.

How big of a tank do you keep? total water volume with sump? how long have you had it running? lighting? temperature? salinity? other important parameters?

I am positive someone will give you some insight into your problem.
How long have the Zoas been in your tank? What lighting are you using? Placement of closed Zoas and names if they have them? Size of tank? Are closed Zoas near sps?
Check for nudi's on the Zoas that are closed.

When you notice the algae in the sand is there a light layer over the Zoas?

Do the Zoas that do not open or slightly open have a brown or white film? If they are completely covered or just at the base dip daily until they open.

75g dt w/ 15g sump

Sg: 1.025
ph 8.1
Nitrates: 0 according to API test
Calcium ~420-460
Phos: ?? (api kit says 0...yeah...right)
Temp: 78-79
Dkh: 8-9

SPS is growing and nicely colored. Thriving...doesn't seem to care at all...

The zoas that won't open have been in there anywhere from a month to 5 months. Mostly the newer ones. To be clear, there are 4 different colonies with this issue.

The onese that are inside out, half of my DA, 1 of 3 Yellow mamba PE, 2 of 3 Magicians. 2 of 2 pink zippers.

Also, This has been going on for almost 2 weeks and in that time:

Pink zippers 2 polyps is now 7 (5 babies)

Magicians: 3 polyps is now 4 (1 baby)

Mambas: 3 polyps is about to be 4

DA 5 polyps is now 12. (7 babies)

WTH is going on here?

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...oh...and no gfo, and inspecting a plug I pulled off the substrate, there were a few tiny, white bugs crawling around under it. The did not appear on all plugs, and they seemed to be hiding under the plug, not on the zoas/palys..

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Little tip to anyone reading buy a ulr phosphorus checker over phosphate. Phosphate comes from phosphorus. You can get a low reading of phosphate if algae is eating phosphates. Also readings can be inaccurate because organic or inorganic are harder to read. Can't remember which. Phosphorus checker gives you a more accurate number.

Back to WTH, did you introduce anything new around the time or slightly before you were having issues? Do you dip everything new?
In fact, I did intro a few frags about 5-7 days prior to my issues. I think it was 6 small plugs...maybe 25 zoas total. I dipped all of them.

2 of those plugs are Zoas that opened and were happy...then they started looking crappy. The others in that batch seem happy.

I suspected that the frags were an issue initially, but the tank is not heavily stocked as it is, so I shrugged it off.

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Check tonight when the lights are out. See if anything is treating your Zoas as a open late buffet. I think but I'm not positive that dipping will kill the pest but not the eggs. Someone correct me if that's wrong.
I never touched the algae. it looks like diatom...but like i said...it's gone in the am and regrows by 1pm.

Vit c is not gonna fix my issue. they were all fine before without it...

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that is textbook cyano
Check tonight when the lights are out. See if anything is treating your Zoas as a open late buffet. I think but I'm not positive that dipping will kill the pest but not the eggs. Someone correct me if that's wrong.

I've heard the same, although I wonder if Bayer pesticide would kill eggs too? Not sure, although I don't use the Bayer for dipping..