cyano, do not dose vit c or other carbon source as it will just fuel the bacterial growth. there are lots of prescribed ways to deal with cyano but most of them just cover up the problem. You are most likely feeding too much, manage tank inputs and do some heavy water changes in conjunction with GFO it should clear itself up.
I'm puzzled by the feeding too much part. I actually have dropped down to every other day and tge few fish always seem hungry...go figure...maybe too much each feeding???
Thank you to all who gave good input. This forum has been rampant with negativity and flaming, but luckily, this noob got quality input without it....cheers to all!!!
Good luck, hopefully the cyano clears for you - stick with the GFO and just re-examine your feeding to see if it could be the source of high nutrients! Hopefully your zoas open / right themselves soon too
I also feel it is important to let the chemical reaction complete itself in new saltwater mixing. I have read it can take many days to stabiliize. I age mine for a week. Make sure your source water is at 0 tds. I am no zoa expert but I have done alot of research on synthetic saltwater mixing when I was deciding whether or not to make my own salt mix. One final thought is an auto top off to keep salinity constant.