Hey everyone, so I wanted to change my rock work to try and accommodate more sps.. Well that backfired. I ended up having too much rock and really restricted my flow in the tank. As a result I started getting a lot of diatoms in the sand.
Diatoms is something I truly believe is always in the tank. The only thing that matters is how or what I do to control it. Restricting flow really allowed them to flourish.
I have since removed rock and went back to a very similar setup that I started with. As a result the diatoms are still there and really am having some trouble really controlling and getting rid of.
Anyway the corals are still doing pretty well. So much so that I am actually starting to sell to one of my local (favorite) LFS. I ended up purchasing some really sweet sps from CMAS a couple weeks ago so I need to try and recoup some of those costs.
The day after CMAS my AP700 decided to stop working. Literally all off and not powering on!!,

I called Kessil and told them my trouble. We did some troubleshooting and cleaned the whole light (not that dirty to begin with). Estilo after cleaning it didn’t turn on. I have had a Kessil AP700 for slightly over two year. My original fixture died on me two months after purchase. Kessil replaced it with another and it worked for a long time. That lights warranty ended a couple months ago (2 yr warranty) so Kessil wouldn’t replace with a new fixture. Instead they gave me one they use for their conventions and shows. I don’t know how I really feel about that just yet, I’m hoping this light just lasts.
Well that’s enough for now. Here’s an update FTS.
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