trigger happy
based on the research i've done this is the program i've implemented though there are many ways to accomplish the same thing and everyone is going to do something different. In general 8 weeks total is what i'm doing right now. I tried TTM and Prazi but with TTM doesn't address velvet and that seems to be all over the place. I also tried obtain CP but i couldn't find a vet that would write me a prescription without seeing a sick fish. I tried to explain to the vets that if I need to order this after I show you a sick fish the fish is probably going to die. No dice.
Week 1 - Goal is to get fish eating well by the end of the week. I won't start meds until the fish is eating (if showing signs of velvet I will start copper right away at full dose). I've got selcon to boost nutrition and garlic extreme as a backup to entice fish to eat prepared foods.
Week 2 - Start copper treatment with copper safe. Slowly raise copper levels to therapeutic levels over the week. This helps with copper sensitive fish likes wrasses. If the fish show poor reaction to copper treatment I am prepared to stop.
Weeks 3-6 - 4 weeks at therapeutic copper levels. Remove copper at end of treatment.
Week 7-8 - prazi pro for flukes, observation, further food training if not eating flakes/pellets at this point
I have the following meds ready in case it is needed:
furan 2 and erythromycin for bacterial infections
ruby reef rally for post fresh water dip treatment in case of velvet
It's alot of work and some level of investment in time (changing 25% water every week since no biological filtration), money, grief from wife for having 4 tanks up right now (1 coral qt, 2 fish qt 1 display) but for me i want to protect the display tank inhabitants as well as feeling responsible for the health of animals under my care.
hope this helps good luck with whatever you choose to do.
For real, well I'm going fishless for a long time so I have enough time to set up a qt and have time to qt fish before they are introduced, can anyone be nice enough and post pics of how they have their qt tanks set up,