Yo yo yo

Hi zach. Welcome!

For the hair algea, I had the same issue. I still have a little left that I am getting out. I just rip it off as i am doing tank maintenance and i notice it doesn't come back just make sure when you rip it, you remove it all. I had a lawnmover blenny and he didn't touch it. I recently threw some Turbo snails in and they seen to be taking care of it too. Just very slowly.

When I was a super noob, I had a tiny hippo tang and tiny yellow tang and they took care of all of it. I have since learned better so i don't have them in my tank.
so a small update....i have since scrubbed my rock on Tuesday and im very pleased with it. I didnt remove every last strand unfortunately, but i did get about 98.9% of it. little crevices and such were a b to get the toothbrush into.
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