You know you're a reefer when ....


New member
You know you're a reefer when ...

you have more then two 5 gallons buckets.
you always have a shirt sleeve wet.
you go to the local hardware for plumbing stuff and they don't have what you need.

add to the list people :rockon:
there is a new filtration pitcher out that produces 0 tds waterits called zero something or other,,,, and i was at the hardware store an hour ago buying pvc fittings for my skimmer haha
when you wake up in the morning and your wife asks you what's a montipora and what's your deal with clams
When your three year old knows the difference between a zoanthid and a palythoa

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You've accidentally gotten a mouthful of oceanwater, in your basement.

Hahaha..... I like this one!

Or when buying anything... including clothes or flowers... and u can't help but think that u could have bought Coral or fish with that money. ;)
The cops knock on your door because your neighbor's heard you say you're a reefer fanatic.

You get more excited than your wife about buying an awesome "rock."

Frag out doesn't reference a video game.

You've forgotten what silence is until you turn off your skimmer.

Visitors have to pee way more often because of all the running water.