You know you're a reefer when ....

when you make an extra 8 hour drive (16hrs round trip) to move the inhabitants of your tank a week before your family

when you look for places to move that have access to a decent fish store!

when feeding fish takes the place of your favorite TV series...just happened tonight when the sun coral, anemone and trumpets all were ready to eat at the same time...having to fend food away from Dori - who thinks that coral feeding is just delayed pick at the other critters time.

to the wet sleeves comment...

when you have a handful of shirts with sleeves cut off specifically for the purpose of tank maintenance...I don't have big arms to wear sleevless shirts
Also when you can't figure out why that helicopter keeps making passes over your house when the halides are on!!!! LMAO

Or when you get a knock on your door by the local PD asking you why you are using such a high amount of electricity and if they can take a look around your house. They see nothing out of the ordinary and you tell them your growing some sps and they have a puzzled look on their face not knowing what that is.
Or when you get a knock on your door by the local PD asking you why you are using such a high amount of electricity and if they can take a look around your house. They see nothing out of the ordinary and you tell them your growing some sps and they have a puzzled look on their face not knowing what that is. that a true story? That's hilarious.
No. but tell me that if that did happen some of your fellow co workers wouldn't have a puzzled look after you said your growing some sps.
When you sneak away to the bathroom so that you can surf reef forums on your smartphone.

When you can do a complete water change with one hand while playing with your dogs with the other.

When you worry about what would happen to your tank if there was an Apocalypse in Dec. 2012

When a AEFW infestation sounds worse to you than a STD.

When your woman is calling you to bed, but you'd rather look in your tank with a flashlight.
when you think your wife is crazy for thinking you are crazy for having three fish tanks running at the same time.

When you spend an ENTIRE Friday night trying to fabricate something that you think Ace should just have on hand.

Or, when you know you know "you can do it, but they can't help."
Or when you get a knock on your door by the local PD asking you why you are using such a high amount of electricity and if they can take a look around your house. They see nothing out of the ordinary and you tell them your growing some sps and they have a puzzled look on their face not knowing what that is.

That kind of did happen to me yesterday when a will county investigator had to stop by to talk to a freind of mine about a bar fight he was in.
First words outta his mouth was :jaw:"Geezz thats one huge fish tank"!, and mine was see now pass the word on down at the station it's only a fish tank. LOL>>> Of course we all got a good laugh out of it.
We have had two game wardens here in the summer time. Wanting to see our basement. Game wardens don't need a warrant. Nothing but fish officer. One stayed two hour looking at fish.
When the plumer guy a homedepot knows your name ands ask about your fish

hahah so true.... every time i go there... plumber guy and i have to brainstorm together to see how i can achieve what ever i am trying to do...

oh oh and when he gives you ideas,, because he already knows your system so well. :banghead:
When you see yourself on TV - (as the guy on the 1st Episode of the show "Hoarders") - with 7 fish tanks and only 1 with water in it.