Thanks Steve, I appreciate it - Assuming things go as the have been in the frag tank, I think I'll be okay - it just depends on if some frags are too far gone. But then again z/ps are pretty resistant and can eventually bounce back. I've lost several SPS from this too, but I think I'm straying away form those/except for low end 'fillers'.
I totally agree that could be a likely reasoning since chemipure is carbon based - The bleaching began after I made all these changes. The odd part (at least for the z/ps) is that they were on racked 1/2 up my tank getting ~200ish par at 60% Blues 50% Whites and I dropped them down to the sand bed (9-12 inches) but did not increase my lighting strength. I can only imagine how quickly they would have bleached had they still been higher.
Currently running Skimmer, purigen, and a sheet of poly-filter (to absorb phos). Glass is starting to need a cleaning again (speaking of which... I used to have hundreds of the dwarf cirths on my glass at night and they're pop has def declined...might need to boost up my CUC.
I have afew options...Looking for suggestions as I do not wait to make any more drastic changes...
1) Feed fish regularly/slightly heavy to get trates back up.
2) Add bag of GFO to sump (possibly get Phosban Reactor running if i have an extra pump) to reduce phos (which, according to my Frag tank readings isn't excessively higher than usual)
3) Add back fresh Activated Carbon Bag
4) Water Change (have not done anything since Saturdays 25%)
5) Reduce LED strength
6) Still need to get Alk up (and pH which has always been low), I do have reef fusion I could dose - other suggestions?
7) __________
8) Do nothing, just wait
9) Pray to the great baby Jesus in the sky