Zoas Wont Stay Open

I had quite a few different types of zoas in my display and could not figure out why they wouldn’t stay open. I finally attributed it to my Flame Angel. I have since placed them into my sump on a frag rack underneath a par38 bulb. It’s been almost a week now and I still can not get them to stay open. Everything else seems happy. Mixed reef, salinity: 1.026, Calcium: 420, Alk: 7.8 Any ideas on what I am doing wrong?
I had quite a few different types of zoas in my display and could not figure out why they wouldn’t stay open. I finally attributed it to my Flame Angel. I have since placed them into my sump on a frag rack underneath a par38 bulb. It’s been almost a week now and I still can not get them to stay open. Everything else seems happy. Mixed reef, salinity: 1.026, Calcium: 420, Alk: 7.8 Any ideas on what I am doing wrong?

Most possibly your water is too clean
Or if that flame angel caused too much damage it will take some time to rev up again

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Flow? Placement? Is your Alk generally stable? For me, i found out that placement and flow were the biggest contributing factors in polyp happiness
Have you tested your Phos and nitrates? I have my zoa frags in my sps frag rack and they handle the flow fine.

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I have them in low flow. I haven’t tested nitrates recently but the tank is 1.5 years old and I generally have issues keeping nitrates in the tank. As for phos I haven’t tested lately. So Tinman may be correct that my tank is too clean
I got same problem tank to
Clean my frogspawn fully open and other corals , my tests which i check every week and eater change every 8 weeks in my 20 gl tanks

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Give it some time your flame angel caused too much damage and will take a few weeks to come around , I have a rock with 200 Bam Bams and my Regal Angel who is now rehomed in a fish only tank managed to feed off the buffet all night and didn't leave not even 1 untouched and hes been gone 3 weeks now and just about all opened up again back to norm. put your water test away and give it a lil time