Joe's Community build 75g build thread


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So I started with a 30g FOWLR tank. It didn't take long before I upgraded lol. Picked up a 75g w/ tank and stand fo free from Brian (Thanks again!)

Brian suggested drilling the tank but i was like naaaaa, it's fine like this. Needless to say a week later I was at Georges house drillling my tank. (Thanks george!) Ended up w/ 2 3/4" returns and a 1" drain. I now wish i would have went w/ a 1.5" drain but w/e to late now.

I was going to plumb it and keep the plumbing shut off until i got a sump. Dre texted me and told me he had a surprise for me. It was a sump. (Thanks fre!) So now i needed a Return pump. Glenn over at AA hooked me up w/ a rio 3100. Got it all plumbed up and now its up and running.

Equipment list

75g DT w/ 8 bulb nova fixture
30g Sump w/ 65w CFL flood
2- mp-10s
1- 200w heaters
Reef Octopus NWB-150

2" sandbed in DT
130 lbs of LR

Living things?:

2- Oscellaris clowns
1- Lyretail anthias
1- Watchman goby
1- Male ornate leopard
1- Kole Tang
1- Chromis
1- Skunk cleaner

To many corals to list

Much more just dont know the names of them yet! lol
Now for pictures. Will update as time goes on. Going to probably move my 30 into this tonight once the tank cools down.
Nice! This should be interesting bc we both have the exact same tanks, drilled/plimbed almost the exact same, etc. I was going to rubbish flex line instead of PVC to reduce the noise from the drain. Hows yours working out noise wise?
PVC is worse for noise. Flex is better for both, because with flex there's technically no corners to reduce flow, and because its softer it absorbs more vibrations. Only downfall is you normally end up needing more flex than PVC for length so that's why it's regarded as not as good for flow.
Not yet, he'll get acclimated tomorrow. Only had time to acclimate the 30g. The qt will get acclimated and moved tomorrow. Yeah got my valves perfect no more sound.
QUICK update for today, found dora (my hippo) in my over flow box and my left side return has a slow leak it's threaded so i put some silicone and an hoping for the best lol.
Picked up a red sea reef kit from George

Sg: 1.026
Mg= 1200
Kh= 8.5
Ca= 450

Using reef crystals. How does it look. Might not be 100% maybe 95-98% cause its my first time lol.