Fire Shrimp died


New member
Hey guys,
My fire shrimp died kind of randomly and I am thinking it might have to do with me feeding my fish sinking pellets vs the frozen shredded stuff. When I feed sinking pellets my clownfish and fire fish go right for them and eat everything up...perhaps leaving nothing for the shrimp? I voiced my concerns with this when I got the shrimp but was told that pellets are fine and I can't have the shredded stuff in such a small tank (fluval edge).

Don't think I will get another if my theory stands and the shredded food isn't an option for my tank. If anyone has any other thoughts feel free to share! :hmmmm2:
maybe you needed to feed more...? my 2 fire shirmps go crazy for pellets. a 6 gallon tank should really only have 1 fish in it. It may get crowded fast with 2.
I dnt thnk the clown and fire fish would bother the fire shrimp... u may have to feed a little more.. i knw my peppermint shrimp goes crzy for pellets and shredded foods..
It could just be a matter of me having gone out of town...I had JVC feeding and dosing but they went a few days without...everyone came out fine but him. I came home last night and he was in his cave but I think he was dead in there. Didn't notice until today.
Yea everyone has been coexisting really well and my water has been testing fine with regular water changes. Probably just the out of town thing. Will a fire shrimp eat the pellets? That was my concern was that he was only going to eat if he got that shredded stuff (starts with an "R"...Ray's? Roy's?)
Not too large...I had him maybe 3 weeks. I've been consulting with/purchasing from Midwest Coral Farms on everything..they've been really helpful
they will eat anything u drop in the i knw my peppermint shrimps and cleaner shrimps do.. sometimes they eat food right out of my hands lol
Yea maybe I wasn't feeding enough...I mean the clown and firefish would go crazy but he never really left his cave....he'd hang out on the outside of the opening but thats it.
On the more positive side, we discovered a hitchhiker in my tank...a teeny tiny eenie weenie baby brittle star! He was in a shell that had a frag glued to it and then he housed himself in some of my live rock where he seems to be hanging out.