Fire Shrimp died

Yea he had molted once...the shell was clear/red...if it was just a shell then there'd be 2 "shrimps". He's 100% dead...floating around on his side and limp.
I have a really simple set-up of live rock in the center of the tank and corals growing off of that so I have a 360 view of the tank unlike sometimes where people build up the back wall etc. Nowhere to hide.:rip:
U can try a peppermint shrimp.. There very social and active shrimp.. Plus its cheaper then a fire shrimp
Thanks for the suggestions, guys. So we think it was a combo vacation/not feeding enough? The pellet food is still fine for a shrimp?
My fire shrimp eats anything I throw in my tank,including any kind of pellets.He is so aggressive feeding, that sometimes jumps right in front of fish mouth to snatch their food.Four days without feeding should not be a cause of death.Like posts above,they are very sensitive to water chemistry,and in your small tank is very difficult to keep parameters stable.
Well hearing that makes me think that this was a weirdo shrimp tank has always been great with its levels and everything is thriving but that shrimp never left the cave.
Did you check your water salinity level lately? Do you have ATO to replenish your evaporation water or do you do it manually every day? Again in such a small water volume even daily evaporation can change salinity levels,that shrimp will have tough time.Most fish will be fine but more sensitive inverts not. Again, I am not saying anything is wrong,just looking for possible cause.
you could always spot feed ur future fire shrimp if you decide to get one. I have a 75 with a fire shrimp and try not to overfeed my fish. So next to no food falls down for the shrimps. So when i feed my anemones some shrimp, i cut up some rice sized pieces for the fire shrimp, and my coral banded. My cleaner shrimp is smarter and hangs out by my overflow during feeding time and grabs any food that floats towards the overflow so i don't worry about that guy.
you could always spot feed ur future fire shrimp if you decide to get one. I have a 75 with a fire shrimp and try not to overfeed my fish. So next to no food falls down for the shrimps. So when i feed my anemones some shrimp, i cut up some rice sized pieces for the fire shrimp, and my coral banded. My cleaner shrimp is smarter and hangs out by my overflow during feeding time and grabs any food that floats towards the overflow so i don't worry about that guy.

That's what would happen to me...the fish would snatch up the pellets and I don't think much was getting down to the shrimp. Everything is ok with levels in the tank so I'm chalking this death up to vacation and lack of food for him. Live and learn, eh?
Quick update on the fire shrimp situation...being a beginner..I wasn't aware that you also need some fresh water to balance out all of the salt. I was topping off my tank with saltwater and so MCF speculates that's what did the shrimp in. Now I know!
Quick update on the fire shrimp situation...being a beginner..I wasn't aware that you also need some fresh water to balance out all of the salt. I was topping off my tank with saltwater and so MCF speculates that's what did the shrimp in. Now I know!

that might have done it.. just top of with ro water and u should be fine..
Glad you figured this out.Like I said in post above check your salinity.

That's the other thing...I think my hydrometer is on the fritz because right before I took in my water sample I ran the salinity and it said it was just above average...but at MCF it was through the roof. They gave me some tips on how to tap the hydrometer to eliminate air bubbles etc. Might have to get a new hydrometer...
If you cant afford to buy a refractometer right now "like me :( " just bring your hydrometer to MCF with water to be tested and compare that to their refractometer to see how much it is off. I brought mine to aquatica and mine is off by .003 on the low side so when mine says 1.020 its really 1.023 and it has been like that for 3 years now with no problems as long as I add the .003 to what mine says its all good.
Thanks for the tips! I will try working with my hydrometer again to see whats up with it. I thought it was broken because the needle was completely stuck (I think salted in place) and so that could have been part of the misread...also curious to try MCF's suggestion of tapping off any air bubbles that can cause a misread. Either way, rattyE36 practically has his mail sent to MCF he is there so much so I usually send some water with him when he goes.
Same here, but opposite, my hydrometer reads .003 HIGHER than the actual SG of the water. I need to remember to subtract .003 when i read it!
Rinse your hydrometer in vinegar bath once in a while to remove salt deposits.That is why the needle gets stuck sometimes.