Fire Shrimp died

It could just be a matter of me having gone out of town...I had JVC feeding and dosing but they went a few days without...everyone came out fine but him. I came home last night and he was in his cave but I think he was dead in there. Didn't notice until today.

What are you dozing in a small tank? Water changes should keep your nutrients where they need to be. Especially if it's good salt.
1oz of bioculture a day, 1 gallon water changes once a week and pre-made saltwater from Old Town Aquarium (at the time). I have since started using 1/2 saltwater 1/2 freshwater mixture from MCF.
Honestly you need to stop what you are doing and re-evaluate. No need for dosing anything in that tank, ESPECIALLY with no SPS. The bioculture isn't dong anything for you if the tank is cycled and established. Just top off with fresh RODI and start doing water changes with 1.020 water until your salinity gets to where it needs to be.
With such a small tank, I would just take all the livestock out, in a bucket with the current tank water, refill the tank with fresh correct 1.024-1.025 saltwater, and re-acclimate the livestock to the new water for a few hours with slow drip method. There's not a whole lot going on in your tank that would be too sensitive for this approach, and you don't have to worry about correcting the issue over the next several weeks/months with partial water changes. Wouldn't be any different than if you brought something home from another tank to put in yours.

Then you won't have to worry about any more variables with your current water.

EDIT: might be vague in description since i believe you are still newer, you wouldnt want to acclimate the livestock sitting in ALL 6 gallons of your current water, bag them up or leave them in enough water like if you brought them home from a store. And buy or mix enough additional salt water to top the edge back off after you acclimate and move them back in the tank.
All that over 1 shrimp death? Everything is open and thriving, the fish are fine and the water has been adjusted...

Oh, you have already adjusted salinity back to 1.023-1.026 range? If so then nevermind...
Just stop dosing and keep up with normal water changes.