What Did You Do With Your Tank Today?

-Cleaned glass on one display
-checked parameters on entire system.(alk, mag, and cal.)
-Fed fish in all tanks.
-Did an emergency frag job on a gold torch that got stung by an acan.(I don't think it's going to make it)
-Cleaned up some wiring above my 120.

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Change my carbon and purigen and a set up a new light program

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Nothing, just enjoyed looking at it. This low iron glass sure makes a huge difference.

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Up, 6:00am, 20% w/c, (sounds better than 4 gallons!), scrapped glass, cut and replaced pre-filter...then went to work yuk...
-fed fish in all tanks
-installed leds over 150 display (took down halides day before)
- tested alkalinity.
-dosed magnesium.
-knocked down frag rack (I hate bumping the magnets off!)
-fixed frag rack.

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After moving tank from spare bedroom to living room a couple of months ago, realized I plunked my only shroom against back wall, so another 6:00am project took apart rock work, then realized it was on the main rock supporting most of the other rocks, so small tear down to big tear down, all for the lowly shroom....
After moving tank from spare bedroom to living room a couple of months ago, realized I plunked my only shroom against back wall, so another 6:00am project took apart rock work, then realized it was on the main rock supporting most of the other rocks, so small tear down to big tear down, all for the lowly shroom....

That's a good daddy!!

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