Been a while since I've done any updates.
The reef bot is currently down - though should be up and running soon. I've been working with their technicians on trying to figure out why my mixing chamber keeps overflowing. Their team has been awesome, talking with me in the early mornings over the past month. The challenge with this is their team is in Lebanon, and trouble shooting often takes 1 day per item to test before I get a possible solution, or on to the next test. We've determined a drain valve went bad and that a connector pin had a defect, so they sent me some new parts and sent a how to video. Luckily I like doing these types of things, otherwise I could see this being a bit of a technical challenge. I think you can make the argument that if you are having to cut wires and solder something into a brand new device, then the company should just take it back and replace it under their warranty. Having never had to solder a wire, this was a learning experience. Im still not sure if I did it right but it appeared to work after I swapped it out. So the valve is fixed, the wiring looks good as new, and the device overall appears to be working. I'm waiting for the Reefbot team to calibrate all the pumps as tests are not working and Im getting error messages, but at least the device is no longer overflow!!

At the end of the day, I still think this is a great tool to have and would recommend this to anyone, and I think the reason is because of how supportive the company has been working through this issue. Reading through other forums I've seen mostly good reviews, and only 1 other person who seemed to have a similar issue.
I also built a screen cover. I went with the redsea kit. I've used the BRS DIY kits for my other 2 tanks, made some mistakes but learned how to put these things together. The instructions for the red sea kit give pretty decent sizes on what to cut everything to. The front, sides, and ribs, once cut, fit perfectly. The back edge was a challenge as I had to carefully measure out where I had my lights placed and my auto feeder. To make cuts, I used a hack saw and a miter box.
Laid out
Test fit - had to do this a bunch of times to get the back side exact
Cut and pressed in
Side view
Auto Feeder
Corner edge cut out for cord
So there you have it! I read lots of negative reviews about this kit on BRS, but to be honest if you take your time, measure twice cut once, or just recut using the extra parts like I had to

, then it all works out. The fit is perfect, barely any gaps and it looks very clean. Not as nice as some of those acrylic ones out there, but for about 1/3 to 1/4 the price with the real cost being time to build it. Functionality wise, its relatively easy to take on and off, with the center bracing serving as handles. I'm going to order another set of edge clips. They are PVC, but I can see this as a wear and tear item that over time could easily break when I'm taking this on and off the tank.
Only other thing going on with the tank right now is a bit of GHA in the display. Life's gotten crazy, so I got behind on maintenance and some GHA took over. I added to the clean up crew this past week with an order from Indo Pacific Sea farms, and then scrubbed a lot of GHA out. Ive a feeling this will be a battle thats going to take some time, but hopefully with most of it mowed down the fish and clean up crew can help keep it in check.