1 system 2 displays

Changed flow and they seem to be liking it

Lol the only tank I don't still have is the 120 lol. The double 29s went from being a qt in the pic above to the reef I had before this build now they're sitting in my garage waiting to be sold
I went from a 30 long a biocube 14 a 20 high and two ten gallons to a 58 rr and bc14 and 20 long and now I'm with a 125 DB 30 40 Breeder and all kinds of sumps...
I went from a 30 long a biocube 14 a 20 high and two ten gallons to a 58 rr and bc14 and 20 long and now I'm with a 125 DB 30 40 Breeder and all kinds of sumps...
Lol yeah |of were worse than me but I've only been in it for a year. Mine went 120 then I got the 27 then got the 29s for qt my tangs. Shut down the 120 and sold it and moves everything to 27. 27 diy overflow failed and flooded twice so I moved everything to the 29s. Wife got me the 30 and I drilled the 27 and now we are here. Future tanks will be shutting down the 27 and going to 93. And once I convince the wife I'll have my 240 cube and I'll be done... maybe
Oops I forget I set my brother up with a 26 gallon bow.. my goal for reefing is to have 2 setups. Big Boy Tank and Nano or smaller tank
Looks like the wife bought a the 93 cube :D not completely for sure yet couldve gotten something for the D-MAX but the difference in the bank account is looking like the 93 for sure. Guess we will be waiting until xmas morning. So impatient