Soooo it's been about a year to date since I started my 93 cube build and I love reeding over freshwater so much I must go bigger and try to build a better setup to satisfy my coral addiction.. I will be dismantling the 93 and putting the 180 in its place since I refuse to have more than two tanks up at once. I'm always open to suggestions I am new but have gained a ton of knowledge on this board and others.. I'm so thankful for all the info thus far... Transferring over 40 types of coral to the new setup and 8 fish plus many inverts is going to be very tricky and I am looking for advice on how to do so while preserving their health so please chime in since I need to completely remove the 93 setup before the 180 can even come upstairs ;( I have access to a large Rubbermaid horse trough and I'm thinking of draining all the tank water into it and putting a pump with a heater in there until the new tank is up... Or should I use a 55 gallon empty tank from my fathers fish room? Run it bare bottom with hang on back filter with floss and some carbon? Will this support the livestock for 2 days? It would be a easy transfer and I can set it on the floor right next to the 180 install area.. Anyhow enough babble jabbel here's what I've got so far
Equip list
Tank~~~ 180 gal aqueon pre drilled
Lighting ~~~. 2-AI hydras 1- AI hydra 52 and the wireless controller with a coral compulsion led par bulb for fuge area
Sump ~~ 48" x 15x 16 custom acrylic with dual filter socks and 9" baffle height scored new for 200$

( thinking about modifying baffles and moving filter socks to center with skimmer and using far left side for fuge with chaeto and a big live rock chunk ADVICE ON THIS MOD PLEASE)
Return pump ~~~ jeabo 1200 DC 1" output to 2 pcs 3/4" drilled returns with generic locline Y's that has bigger internal diameter which will be screwed into bulkheads. Also thinking of a manifold to power 2 to 3 reactors down the line...
Skimmer ~~~ OVERSPENT LOL Reef octopus XP 3000 true cone bad ass mofo skimmer
Reactor setup ~~~ un decided suggestions please
Heater ~~~ running 2 the 300 watt jäger from the 93 paired with another 350 watt new jäger controlled via apex
Overflow setup ~~ thinking Herbie with one drain and emergency per overflow box and then drilling in 2 x 1" bulkheads for return flow ... I think my durso is to loud and sump has a lot of overflow volume for powerless so it should be ok...
The new glass ghetto style unloaded :sour:
New sump ( thinking of converting current filter sock area to fuge any suggestions or just put chaeto in middle compartment with a few rock pieces and skimmer in filter sock section with pump after the bubble traps gimme ideas clever reef friends