45gal cube build

Ah yes how is the move going? I will be ordering my tank tomorrow now I just need to decide if I want the 45g or the 60g for only $50 more.... decisions..... decisions...... Only thing I am worried about is my 25 cree led setup not getting deep enough in the 60 its 24in deep. Maybe some optics? I want to see some pics.
Hey Tom,
I personally like shallow tanks. Its all personal preference. So you cant really go wrong either route. Gl and looking forward to your build here
Any updated pics? I ordered the 60 today should be in in a week or so. YAY. I cant wait to see how yours looks.

I still haven't hooked up the plumping b/c I still need a sump and return pump. Looking to build my own sump this sunday and order a return pump sometime soon. =) Very happy with the tank..congrats on the 60! I would love to see your build since our tank is soo similiar
Just some updates after my tank crash..things have been stable for the past week after I did a 100% water change.

I ended up using my biocube 29 as my sump/refugium. I just reversed the flow to the big chamber and it worked out great.

I added more live sand and with more live rock redid the aquascaping.
I also bought a few more corals from some local reefers.

I built my own diy light hanging rod...super ez!!
Added a net screen for the top for all the jumpers.

Here are some photos



You can see my dead colony in there