45gal cube build


I still haven't hooked up the plumping b/c I still need a sump and return pump. Looking to build my own sump this sunday and order a return pump sometime soon. =) Very happy with the tank..congrats on the 60! I would love to see your build since our tank is soo similiar

I have the 60 version of this tank! Love the rock scape, and I really enjoy having the vertical room to work with and not just horizontal... Love these tanks!!
Ill upload a photo today..but unfortunately this tank will have to come down in the next month or so =(
My externship is sending me to Sunny San Diego this Nov :)
I would keep the tank up til then, but due to unforeseen circumstances, I have to move out of this apt by the end of July. :(

So whats gonna happen with Chicago Reefs.com? Is the site still going to be around? Are you going to still be able to manage the site? Sorry for the questions
Thanks Lionel.
ChicagoReefs will still be Chicagoreefs.
The community is what keep the site going. Im just the creator.