Attn Chicago Divers - volunteer trip to Coral Restoration Foundation in Key Largo!

Alright everyone we have some more details!!! Please let me know thoughts and commitments ASAP we we need to confirm with CRF and start to book a house for rental. After everything is confirmed we will need to set up a deposit for the trip to solidify commitments.

Dates: First weekend of February

We will have a couple options before we hammer down the exact dates based on how people can take off work. We can either plan to arrive on Thursday or Friday depending on how people can take their vacation time - split it between two weeks or take it all in one week . Looks like depending how we shuffle the days you'll need to take 3 days of vacation time off)

3 - day dive trip:
Thurs, Jan 31 - Arrive
Fri, Feb 1 - Volunteer work
Sat, Feb 2 - Volunteer work
Sun, Feb 3 - Volunteer work or non-volunteer dive local reefs (please vote which you'd prefer)
Mon, Feb 4 - No fly down time (we don't want anyone getting DCS!)
Tues, Feb 5 - Return home
That's the Superbowl. 8th would be better.

If we're done diving at 2pm or so on Sunday we can leave on Monday evening (I've flown much closer to diving too). We're only going to be in shallow water anway.

(I've made great progress in this conversation with my wife, so I'm at 80% certain I will go)
They are booked the weekend of the 8th already.

Well this year you'll have to have the Superbowl party with a bunch of reefer divers at a beach house in key largo!

Sunday I planned on scheduling us an all day dive opt to make the most of our short time there. Morning and afternoon dives.

Herbs, yes, we could fly back Monday night, but since everyone's tissue nitrogen loading will be different it's safe to follow the PADI standard of 18 hours for multiple dives. Your dive computer will tell you the exact time that you can fly. If you want to leave early so you don't have to take another day of vacation that is okay, but the cost per person for the house rental will be the same regardless.

I plan on leaving after work on Thursday (or take a half day) and arrive late afternoon, early evening.

I HIGHLY recommend for anyone that is coming to carry DAN diving insurance. It is a nominal fee that covers any accidents that could happen while diving.
Im a Naui Diver :P but would love to do this!! When are you thinking? Im a basic, open water, nitrox, and drysuit. any idea on cost for flight?
I just learned that ocean temperatures during this time of year is in the low 70s. Is this an issue with anyone? I prefer warmer temps, which don't come around in May.
I just learned that ocean temperatures during this time of year is in the low 70s. Is this an issue with anyone? I prefer warmer temps, which don't come around in May.

LOL, where did you think we were going? You stay pretty warm fighting the currents in FL though. :)
LOL, where did you think we were going? You stay pretty warm fighting the currents in FL though. :)

If you warm me up with under a space blanket afterwards I think I can manage... :a21: That means I'm ordering my lavacore vest/hood. I get cold in 80 degree water... lol
If you warm me up with under a space blanket afterwards I think I can manage... :a21: That means I'm ordering my lavacore vest/hood. I get cold in 80 degree water... lol

I'm going to show up in FL and it will just be you and Walt wearing lavacore hoods. . .
Lol, I certed in San Clemente, Ca, water temp is 55 degrees. 70's will be like a bath tub! I'm possibly for the house option, but am trying to turn this into a week with the wife down there. Will make it easier for me to get to go. She doesn't dive, tried, doesn't like the feeling. I hate not having a dive buddy!
Lol. That's fine too. People can make their own accommodations too. We just need to know who will do the house option so we can reserve the appropriate size.

If feb is a go we are going to have to start making commitments.
I have all the paperwork from the CRF and we need to start making commitments. Please have your chats with significant others, etc and let post here (or PM me) if you will be attending. Info I will need is:
- Name
- Diving Certification Level
- Shared or Own Accommodations

Once we have a general count of firm commitments I can start pricing out shared accommodations and dive operator fees.

A deposit for the trip will be required to hold your spot. Those going in on shared accommodations will have a slightly higher deposit for house rental deposit.

Remember we need at least 6 divers to make this a reality. I have a general count of about 10 divers that said they were interested.

CRF is incredibly excited to have a group of reefing hobbyists down as they know we mean business!
Im out, until it gets warmer. :p

that's cause you're not even certified yet! lol You could do all your pool work and classroom time up here, and then head down to Key Largo 2 days early to do your open water referral dives and you'll then be certified to dive with us. Also, you still have time to get certified here in the quarry, you'll be wearing a wet suit to keep you warm.
Its still going to be cold water for me. :p
My body has very little insulation!

I hate to miss opportunity though.
Eric do you have a ballpark figure on the house rental cost? Assuming we have 6 total and including diving certs and fees, where would you estimate the all-in cost? Not including airfare.
Based on what I'm seeing for house rental based on 6 it will be bwtn $50-$75 per person per night (including tax). Volunteer diving fees are about $50 for the day + the $35 donation to CRF.
Its still going to be cold water for me. :p
My body has very little insulation!

I hate to miss opportunity though.

LOL, mine too... skinny as a twig. It's all about your exposure protection. You wouldn't walk out in the winter in shorts and a t-shirt. With the right wetsuit on you'll be nice a toasty. I will be wearing a 3mm suite with a lava core under vest/hood for 70 degree diving. Patrick is fine in just a 3mm suite.
Just checked flights and non-stop flights from O'Hare to Ft. Lauderdale (1.5-2 hr dive to Key Largo) is only around $200 right now.

Rough guesstimate with everything involved, flight, house, dive, donations, food, and car (split if people coordinate flights) budget about $1000 per person. 5 nights/6 days. Not to shabby!
Just checked flights and non-stop flights from O'Hare to Ft. Lauderdale (1.5-2 hr dive to Key Largo) is only around $200 right now.

Rough guesstimate with everything involved, flight, house, dive, donations, food, and car (split if people coordinate flights) budget about $1000 per person. 5 nights/6 days. Not to shabby!

can't beat that at all. Do we rent a van or what?
Is your estimate diver fee include "gear rental" as I can imagine not all divers have a bcd, regulators, tanks that they are lugging around. Also what airline on those flights, i cant find anything under 350.