Premium member
I believe the OP has since moved to the Virgin Islands.
Yep. Looking at their website it now has a minimum of 8 and max of 20 divers.
One Day Program The One-Day Program is divided into a morning session and an afternoon session. A CRF staff member gives a lecture in the morning, outlining CRF’s mission, history, and objectives. Also included in the talk is an introduction to coral anatomy and conditions necessary for a healthy reef, as well as stressors causing current coral decline. The lecture concludes with a brief overview of the need for restoration efforts and the CRF procedure. The afternoon session consists of two dives: one on the nursery and one at an outplanting site. On the first dive, using the techniques illustrated in the morning lecture, divers will explore the nursery and prepare corals to be transported to a restoration site. The second dive takes place at the restoration site, where the divers plant the corals they previously prepared.
Two Day Program CRF’s Two-Day Program begins the same way as the one-day program with a lecture in the morning and dives in the afternoon. On the following day there is a restoration diving lecture and two subsequent restoration dives. Topics covered in the additional lecture include a comparison of CRF’s restoration techniques to those of other coral reef restoration programs. The lecture also goes into detail about the evolution of CRF’s current restoration techniques and the procedures used to measure and monitor the relative success of the outplanted corals. PADI Distinctive Specialty In addition to the dive program, CRF offers two distinct
PADI Distinctive Specialty Courses, available upon request. The Introduction to Coral Reef Restoration Diver specialty consists of two dives and compliments the one-day program. The Coral Reef Restoration Diver II specialty has a required four dives and can be done in combination with the two-day program.
Group Size Due to the nature of the programs, CRF requests that dive groups contain no less than eight participants and no more than twenty.