Active member
Isnt potm suppose to b what we have?
plus, are mods allowed to participate? I'm just saying!

Isnt potm suppose to b what we have?
I publicly announced before the deadline that I was having trouble uploading my pic & asked the Staff for help with the. Taking pics through glass is not the same at all as just through the water column. In the many reef forum contests I've entered, it just had to be a pic YOU took, didn't matter if it was your tank, a friend's tank or God's tank.
ok, this should only matter if there were prizes involved (if there is mod's can't enter)... and there isn't (or is there?),
conflict of interest
it's like that fine print at the bottom "employees, etc are exempt from entering said contest"
+1 thisisfishy and poidog. I can't believe sum1 tried to cheat on this contest. Who posted that pic?
I guess the rules need clarification then. It should be something in your tank so there is proof it's your pic, even though without meta data the world will never know. Photo shop makes it easy to remove © and other ownership signatures from the pics.
The rules were clear. It had to be a picture YOU took.
Yep, but you must be the one who took the photo to submit it into the contest.
Post #4 in this thread:
Well it should b of ur tank cuz not everyone has the opportunity to take pictures for the actual ocean.