August Photo of the Month Contest

Please vote for one August Photo Winner

  • Yuma Rock & Goby by Salt0727 - [url][/url]

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Passing Through Night by Cubbies - [url][/url]

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Green Mushroom by Nickyeeandnate6 - [url][/url]

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sarcophyton False Perc by Tengency - [url][/url]

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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No it's not that. It's just that it should b on what is in our tanks not in the ocean. Im not complaining cuz I don't have soft corals which I do but didn't feel like mine would win so didn't enter this time.. But if I found a pic on google and posted no one would know that it's not mine. U get me? If not we should have a poll here and ask everyone if they think potm should b what we have in our tanks . It's just an idea

I agree, it should be in your tank. I don't have an anemone, so I will not enter. I don't know why people are being so hostile about changing the rule, especially if it is something multiple non-moderator members want. I don't think anyone would be against the requirement that the photo be of your own tank. It's not like the contest would change.
No it's not that. It's just that it should b on what is in our tanks not in the ocean. Im not complaining cuz I don't have soft corals which I do but didn't feel like mine would win so didn't enter this time.. But if I found a pic on google and posted no one would know that it's not mine. U get me? If not we should have a poll here and ask everyone if they think potm should b what we have in our tanks . It's just an idea

I do understand the possibility of someone cheating. Even if you posted a picture of something in your tank there is no proof that you actually took the picture. We have to have a little trust in people.

I also don’t believe that if someone took an awesome picture at the Shedd Aquarium that they should be disqualified because they don’t own the coral.

Another thing, I have a lot of pictures that I took of a tank I no longer have. I also don’t have many of the corals any more. I don’t think that should disqualify me because I no longer have the tank or coral.

I will however be making some changes in the POTM.
Just saying what the scan tool analysis put out. Didn't you post that you weren't good at taking pictures in another thread?

There is no use "just saying" what something that you self admitted isn't 100% accurate says without actually posting something to back it up.

Other than your accusations, and proof that you have yet to provide which isn't 100%, do you actually have something that may prove your accusation?

Or are you just stirring the pot for amusement?
I didn't know we can use other pics that weren't from our tanks. Isnt potm suppose to b what we have?

Photos of the month are called "Photos of the Month" not "Photos of your tank".

Entries are not required to have been taken from ones own tank, only that the photo must be taken by the person entering the contest.
Didn't realize that an experienced photographer would have a problem with either. O well, the pic was late for the contest anyway!

Good luck Tengency!

Actually, the member posted that she was having trouble uploading a photo prior to the end of the contest.

If anybody has trouble entering, uploading, or knowing procedure, and they post for assistance prior to the deadline, their entry should count.
+1 thisisfishy. If u don't have the requirements for potm then u cant enter. Y would it b a problem. And puffer I saw ur pics and they look good but still not everyone can take pics in the ocean so it has to b fair for everyone.

plus, are mods allowed to participate? I'm just saying! ;)

Why shouldn't we?

We volunteer our time on the site, trying to keep things peaceful and fun around here (as difficult as some people make it for us) and then we aren't allowed to participate in the contest we organize?
I guess the rules need clarification then.

The rules are clear. Submit a photo you took of the subject of the contest.

It should be something in your tank so there is proof it's your pic, even though without meta data the world will never know. Photo shop makes it easy to remove © and other ownership signatures from the pics.

And if you suspect somebody has done that, forward your proof and your concern to a moderator through private message rather than accusing somebody openly on the site without providing a shred of proof.
There is no use "just saying" what something that you self admitted isn't 100% accurate says without actually posting something to back it up.

Other than your accusations, and proof that you have yet to provide which isn't 100%, do you actually have something that may prove your accusation?

Or are you just stirring the pot for amusement?

I'm not amused, I'm not stirring the pot. I wasn't the one who said it wasn't fair either, but I did agree with them. I voted for Tengency. Hopefully next time someone will vote for me. When I post my own photo, that I took, of something in my tank, but not anemones, cuz i dont have one.
I agree.

What is with the people and your desire for drama?


So much for a fun contest.

It's still fun! The photos that got in on time are nice! One of those people will win, and we can all congratulate them! Next month just make a rules statement at the beginning of the contest and the people that follow the rules can participate. Then there won't be any issues I'm sure.
+1 thisisfishy. If u don't have the requirements for potm then u cant enter.

YOU aren't making the rules here reefer.

And puffer I saw ur pics and they look good but still not everyone can take pics in the ocean so it has to b fair for everyone.

Not everyone can take a picture of a sea urchin either, so if the contest is about sea urchins, we should change the topic so everybody can play?

The contest is... submit a picture YOU took of the subject at hand.

If you don't like it. Don't compete, and don't vote.
It's still fun!

We have 8 pages of posts here, 5 of which are people bitching and moaning and causing drama.

Maybe you have fun with that, but I certainly don't.

Its annoying.

The photos that got in on time are nice! One of those people will win, and we can all congratulate them! Next month just make a rules statement at the beginning of the contest and the people that follow the rules can participate. Then there won't be any issues I'm sure.

We make the rules.
First off that's not what I tried to say. I'm just saying if the topic of the potm is anemones then u don't have the requirements so u can enter. I never wanted to make a rule.
I get that. In a very angry way you made it clear. So post the rules, and there won't be any issues for people to "*****" about.

The rules are simple:

Post a photo in the appropriate Gallery sub-category location, by the deadline, of a picture you took (who's camera doesn't matter), of something that qualifies per the topic of the contest (where doesn't matter), and post by the deadline which will be presented for votes by fellow members. The photo who obtains the most votes win the prize noted at the contests announcement.

That is the contest. Those are the rules. There is no need to write and publish a pamphlet of the official POTM rules in order to have a good time and make it enjoyable for all of the members.
The rules are simple:

Post a photo in the appropriate Gallery sub-category location, by the deadline, of a picture you took (who's camera doesn't matter), of something that qualifies per the topic of the contest (where doesn't matter), and post by the deadline which will be presented for votes by fellow members. The photo who obtains the most votes win the prize noted at the contests announcement.

That is the contest. Those are the rules. There is no need to write and publish a pamphlet of the official POTM rules in order to have a good time and make it enjoyable for all of the members.

No, of course not, but if you posted those rules at the beginning of every POTM contest, and made sure everyone followed them, there would be no issues and no confusion. No one would be bitching.
I promise that this is NOT an attempt to push buttons.

But I just noticed that a moderators photo that did not meet the deadline was re posted above.

That was after you posted this rule:

Post a photo in the appropriate Gallery sub-category location, by the deadline, of a picture you took (who's camera doesn't matter), of something that qualifies per the topic of the contest (where doesn't matter), and post by the deadline which will be presented for votes by fellow members. The photo who obtains the most votes win the prize noted at the contests announcement.

That is why moderators should not be able to participate. Because the people who make the rules can just as easily bend the rules to suit them. But i'll stop posting in this thread. I already voted. Good luck to everyone, see you again for voting next month.
But I just noticed that a moderators photo that did not meet the deadline was re posted above.

As explained before, the photo was unable to be uploaded prior to the deadline, at which time the user make a public post asking for assistance to get it uploaded PRIOR to the deadline.

In the interest of keeping this a friendly and fun contest, eliminating people who are having technical difficulties is not our goal.

If you don't agree with that, then you have the ability to simply cast a vote for one of the other entries.

That is why moderators should not be able to participate.

We volunteer our time, for the simple purpose of trying to keep this community of like minded hobbyists fun, entertaining, and friendly.

That has absolutely nothing to do with our ability to engage in the forum, its activities, and be active members in the community. Why you would try to exclude people is beyond me... but again, certainly doesn't seem like your intent is to create a friendly community.

Thanks for casting a vote.
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