BigBarnacle's big Nuvo 8 build.

So what type of fish do you have already in the 75 then so i can get thiunking for this year

75 gal. residents:
2 True Percula Clowns (pair)
ORA Splendid Dottyback
Yellow Watchman Goby (female)
Blue Midas Blenny
Blue/Purple hybrid blenny
Yellow Wrasse
Leopard Wrasse (female)
Bicolor Angel
...I think that's it.

Just kidding. Put a few pieces of live rock from the 75 in the nuvo to get things going. Ghost fed a few spectrum pellets. Let the games begin!
Testing cycle parameters/levels tonight. Anxious to see how it's going. Also, my permanent heater should be arriving today. Pics and test results to be posted tonight after work.
Got my 50W Finnex digital titanium heater up and running. I simply programmed my desired temp and it turns on automatically when it goes below the set temp. Displays current temp and has an LED light that also comes on whenever the heater is running.
Got my 50W Finnex digital titanium heater up and running. I simply programmed my desired temp and it turns on automatically when it goes below the set temp. Displays current temp and has an LED light that also comes on whenever the heater is running.

How do u like that heater? Im thnking of getting one also
Did you add anything to start cycle? Live rock? I see you added pellets, but maybe its too early or just really weak.

I typically skip cycles by adding good live rock off the bat.