Black Ice

I'm sorry, but this is pathetic. The OP wanted to show off his fish and you guys take it way out of line. That is completely uncalled for. It is sad to see this forum's mods and "senior" members gang up on people due to differences of opinions. Didn't most of us leave that all behind when we left the other forum? Who cares if Mitch has a mullet or a freakin buzz cut - what are we twelve???

Nice fish Marty - I'm sure they will do just fine in your system.
If it was drama or wrong an infraction or the thread would be locked or things deleted so everything must be ok I would know I get infractions and my post deleted all the SO EVERYTHING IS OK
I'm sorry, but this is pathetic. The OP wanted to show off his fish and you guys take it way out of line. That is completely uncalled for. It is sad to see this forum's mods and "senior" members gang up on people due to differences of opinions. Didn't most of us leave that all behind when we left the other forum? Who cares if Mitch has a mullet or a freakin buzz cut - what are we twelve???

Nice fish Marty - I'm sure they will do just fine in your system.

Man some of y'all are pricks.

If it was drama or wrong an infraction or the thread would be locked or things deleted so everything must be ok I would know I get infractions and my post deleted all the SO EVERYTHING IS OK

Ok, so what do you all suggest is done? You complain that no moderation is happening, but if we moderate the thread, you will be complaining that we are acting like RC nazi. Truth of it is that its NOT the moderators that have the problem, its the members that are making this site unpleasant to participate on, and the moderators are taking the heat for it whether we do something or don't. Perhaps more people need to have a little more class and quit being so critical with each other. Moderators did not turn this thread into what it has become. The guy bought some nice fish and wanted to show them off.
Ok, so what do you all suggest is done? You complain that no moderation is happening, but if we moderate the thread, you will be complaining that we are acting like RC nazi. Truth of it is that its NOT the moderators that have the problem, its the members that are making this site unpleasant to participate on, and the moderators are taking the heat for it whether we do something or don't. Perhaps more people need to have a little more class and quit being so critical with each other. Moderators did not turn this thread into what it has become. The guy bought some nice fish and wanted to show them off.

Exactly! He showed his fish and some nems off. Then a flame war started because the fish aren't perfect to some, but quick glance he never claimed them as genetically perfect. Its his fish and he loves them so they are perfect in his eyes.
Ok, so what do you all suggest is done? You complain that no moderation is happening, but if we moderate the thread, you will be complaining that we are acting like RC nazi. Truth of it is that its NOT the moderators that have the problem, its the members that are making this site unpleasant to participate on, and the moderators are taking the heat for it whether we do something or don't. Perhaps more people need to have a little more class and quit being so critical with each other. Moderators did not turn this thread into what it has become. The guy bought some nice fish and wanted to show them off.

For some people their Live stock is a part of a family rather than a hobby, they take care & have pride in having them. It is very insensitive to call out some one's personal procession openly so why do that & hurt in this case? It is of course a different thing if the OP is looking to solve some problem & looking for issues.

On the other hand if you are that very concerned to help a friend then take it to PM & express your doubt & not your certainty & leave the option for them to handle things.

It is actually nice & mellow of Mitch to pass on that remark, other wise for somebody who actually took care of a live stock from the egg stage would be more offended. Although it is his business respect his knowledge & hard work to preserve our oceans by breeding fish locally.
Ok, so what do you all suggest is done? You complain that no moderation is happening, but if we moderate the thread, you will be complaining that we are acting like RC nazi. Truth of it is that its NOT the moderators that have the problem, its the members that are making this site unpleasant to participate on, and the moderators are taking the heat for it whether we do something or don't. Perhaps more people need to have a little more class and quit being so critical with each other. Moderators did not turn this thread into what it has become. The guy bought some nice fish and wanted to show them off.

A very good job of Mod'ing. People dont need to be censored...just directed a little. Woooohooooo I own page 8
If breeders culled all their defect fish it would put that wholesaler in wood dale out of business. The guy bought some clowns that he like and wanted to put in his tank and wanted to show them off. He did not start a thread on whats your opinion on my fish if he wanted to know i think he would of ask for it. If he is happy with his clowns thats all that matters they are not going in your tank so why do you care.Mitch is a good guy and i am sure he sold the clowns to him for a fair price.Some people do not care if their fish are not 100% perfect we can not go around killing all the fish that are not 100% perfect. Now he is going to think twice before he posts anything on this site again if reefers and mods are going to cut down something he wanted to buy and show it off to other reefers on this site
It's funny, because I know which "secret" wholesaler you speak of. I bought a bleached nem from them when I started the hobby. I'm surprised they didn't try to sell me a shark for my cube.

I digress... Nice clowns.

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I sold that wholesaler 150 culled fish for 2$ dollars each. They named the price. I told them they are cull fish. He sayed..... Are they swimming? I took him the fish. He will disagree. I still have the invoice. He complained two years later. You know......come to think of it......there are a few senior members on here that shop there. Kinda makes ya think does'nt it.
I would buy fish from kerusso any day he has great fish. If I wanted a local breeders fish he is where I would go for them a lot of people try to breed them and can't get a fish half as nice as his
That was in 09 by the way. I have not sold him{Global} fish sence then. This makes more and more sence.Now that about 50 people have text me. For them that dont know.....The Global Aquatics shills are blacklisting me. Prove me wrong. "OHHHHHHHHHH" Andrew Dice Clay
Well I'm sure as "honest" as global is all the people that bought them were told that

Hahaha, I loved the first time I got the "don't tell anyone about us" email when I replied to one of their craigslist ads. What a ridiculous place. Culls and quarter fish.