Black Ice

Ill buy your cull fish, i have a ryukin goldfish who has a curved anal fin deformity but i bought him for his muttin chop pattern, i looked him over thouroghly and saw nothing wrong with him, and saw the defect two days later. But i kept him anyway because hes the most active and personable goldfish ive ever seen let alone owned. Now after about 3 months of my care, his deformity is almost unnoticeable. So if youre thinking about culling, shoot me a messege and ill take the ones who have none life threatening deformitys. I can house up to 30 and soon up to 60+
The main guy there is going to call me tomorrow and threaten to kick my booty........ if I dont shut up.He does everytime a thread like this comes up. LOL he does not know me very well eather.LOL
Ill buy your cull fish, i have a ryukin goldfish who has a curved anal fin deformity but i bought him for his muttin chop pattern, i looked him over thouroghly and saw nothing wrong with him, and saw the defect two days later. But i kept him anyway because hes the most active and personable goldfish ive ever seen let alone owned. Now after about 3 months of my care, his deformity is almost unnoticeable. So if youre thinking about culling, shoot me a messege and ill take the ones who have none life threatening deformitys. I can house up to 30 and soon up to 60+

Now thats a cool post. Coal to diamonds baby.
Hahaha, I loved the first time I got the "don't tell anyone about us" email when I replied to one of their craigslist ads. What a ridiculous place. Culls and quarter fish.

Man they told me the same thing, I thought I was special. Lmao.

Bottom line you go to get a fish, you pick it out for yourself and what you like. What's perfect to one person may be ugly to someone else, oh wait let's leave wives and husbands out of this, we are talking about fish right.
Ok, so what do you all suggest is done? You complain that no moderation is happening, but if we moderate the thread, you will be complaining that we are acting like RC nazi. Truth of it is that its NOT the moderators that have the problem, its the members that are making this site unpleasant to participate on, and the moderators are taking the heat for it whether we do something or don't. Perhaps more people need to have a little more class and quit being so critical with each other. Moderators did not turn this thread into what it has become. The guy bought some nice fish and wanted to show them off.

Sorry to see this forum go this way, but really the writing was on the wall.

A few bad apples get real brave behind a computer screen.

Internet bullying is typically perpetrated by those people who would otherwise be picked on in the real world.

To the op: nice looking fish. Our two percs, mork and mindy, are a couple of our favorites. Enjoy them, overbite and all.

Sent from my HTC android on tapatalk
Sorry to see this forum go this way, but really the writing was on the wall.

A few bad apples get real brave behind a computer screen.

Internet bullying is typically perpetrated by those people who would otherwise be picked on in the real world.

Looks who's talking.

I just checked back in and I don't think anyone is being a bully here. What's the point of an open forum if open discussion can't happen? They are nice fish, I already said that. I also said that due to a possible bad photo they had overbites, maybe they don't? Some get all up in a hissy fit when they think someone is scalding someone else. Chill out people.
Wow a cool mod where did you come from

Someone put up the lobster-dog signal.

Im not going to delete any post or lock the thread here...everybody needs to cool down. Go look at your reef, play with your dog, spend time with your family, do whatever it takes. I'm sure everybody is super friendly in person, so please, next time you type something, ask yourself if this is something you would say to them in real life. Bottom line, show some respect and treat others like how you would like to treated. And now lets get back to these beautiful clowns. Off topic posts will be deleted and as much as I hate doing this, infractions will be handed out. Group hug everybody. Cheers:tee:
I myself would be afraid to put a picture of something i have on here because i KNOW someone would have a negative comment about it. It's sad that someone can't put something on here to look at and just be that.If he put on this post look at my new clowns do you all think there perfect or is there something wrong then ok post your uncalled for comment about it. This forum is for posting pictures, Talking about things that are ok to comment about negatively or positive but there is a line as to when it is appropriate to do so. Constant bashing each other because of there comment isn't called for at all. If someone says something that you disagree with on a personal basis message then personally and keep it between the other person, None of us want to read your comment on someone else especially if it's negative. Try to think before you comment because some people are hurt by your comments and this makes people not want to participate in our community forum. So as a end to this just count to 10 before releasing your uncalled for comments before you let your fingers do your talking.