Brettz16's 75g Rimless SPS build

This tank looks amazing! I love the new rimless. I bet that makes your maintenance/feeding much easier :)

Oh yeah. I used to get "blinded by the light" whenever i would put the canopy up to feed the fish. Moving corals and fixing the ones the turbos bulldoze isn't as bad since i can literally get my hand anywhere in the tank. And water changes have never been easier. Defiantly glad with the rimless purchase.
Very slick build! This turned out very nice. You watch, there's going to be a whole bunch of floating canopies going up around Chicagoland in the near future.
Very slick build! This turned out very nice. You watch, there's going to be a whole bunch of floating canopies going up around Chicagoland in the near future.

I agree totally with you Eric! Very Sweet build! I've got to think of a way to make my canopy float...
Just a little update:

I removed some rock and had to reaquascape. The button polyps were starting to take over and sting neighboring corals. I brought my alk back up to 8dkh and most of the sps seems to be making a comeback. My Lights are now at a peak of 45%W and 55% Blues.

I got an awesome juvenile Purple tang(thanks ReefWise and Michael) thats already eating from my hand. Still looking for takers on the Sailfin.

Also, since my rock work went down a little, i want to started adding branching corals that grow up. What do you guys prefer, stag horn, slimmers??View attachment 9246View attachment 9247View attachment 9248View attachment 9249
Sweetness! Dude you can keep anything under the sun in there. Great job. You should do a review on the Hybrid.
Sweetness! Dude you can keep anything under the sun in there. Great job. You should do a review on the Hybrid.

Thanks! I am very happy with this fixture. Once i receive the other actinic i will have 2 additional t5s adding more par and more spread. Couldn't be happier with this light!
Home depot would have everything. I used some of the hardware from a shelf i had, but i used metal cables, 2" washers, 4" stud screw, 6" brackets with 3x3" screws.