Brettz16's 75g Rimless SPS build

Looks awesome. How do u like running the 2 mp10s? i've been running mine for a month now and everything seems happy.
Looks awesome. How do u like running the 2 mp10s? i've been running mine for a month now and everything seems happy.

Thanks! Love my MP10s. I just watched you video. My wave is about the same amplitude as yours, but if you want more random wave, (side to side back and forth), offset your mp10s horizontally a little and it makes a huge difference.
Thanks! Love my MP10s. I just watched you video. My wave is about the same amplitude as yours, but if you want more random wave, (side to side back and forth), offset your mp10s horizontally a little and it makes a huge difference.

Thanks, i might try it. Only reason mine are sitting where they are now is cause i have a ton of rock. But i'll see how it goes.
Lookin' good! Can't help you with pics 3 & 4, but I really like 3!

Are the acro crabs smooth or hairy? Hairy usually = bad...