Well-known member
Alright I'm at my wits end with this one. I have some SPS that have been STNing lately, and others that are showing good growth. I have been testing almost daily to determine if my parameters were shifting and the most recent results were as follows:
Ca: 440 (salifert)
Mg: 1300
Alk: 7.9 (salifert)
pH: 8.3 (probe)
Salinity: 1.027 (very consistent)
Temp: 78.0
PO4: Undetectable (salifert)
NO3: <1 (salifert)
I have had some small temp swings lately (2 degrees at most). For some reason my heaters aren't working through my RKE. I'm looking into a mew heater currently. But in my experience 2 degree temperature swings aren't the worst thing.
What's confusing me is if it were a parameter issue such as Ca, Alk, pH I would expect to see fairly uniform response amongst all my SPS not just a handful. I have not changed anything other than water changes and monthly carbon/GFO replacement. RODI effluent tds is 0 (filters were replaces about 4 months ago).
My system is a 25 gallon display, 20L sump (~12 gallons), and a 12 gallon frag tank. There are currently 6 fish in the tank. DT lighting is am OR-T247 and frag tank lighting is a Kessil a350. Flow is a MP10WES and skimmer is a SCA 303.
My latest hypothesis is lack of nutrients. I have not been able to detect and PO4 or NO3 for quite some time, despite 3-4 feedings a day of dry and a homemade frozen blend. I have recently shut off my gfo and carbon reactor and begun dosing acropower to see if I can increase nutrient levels. I have found that the STNing is slightly less prominent in the frag tank and I believe this to be because of a much reduced flow through the frag tank, therefore nutrients are maintained longer.
Does it sound like an issue of a poorly managed ULNS system or is there something I may be missing? Any and all suggestions are welcome!
Ca: 440 (salifert)
Mg: 1300
Alk: 7.9 (salifert)
pH: 8.3 (probe)
Salinity: 1.027 (very consistent)
Temp: 78.0
PO4: Undetectable (salifert)
NO3: <1 (salifert)
I have had some small temp swings lately (2 degrees at most). For some reason my heaters aren't working through my RKE. I'm looking into a mew heater currently. But in my experience 2 degree temperature swings aren't the worst thing.
What's confusing me is if it were a parameter issue such as Ca, Alk, pH I would expect to see fairly uniform response amongst all my SPS not just a handful. I have not changed anything other than water changes and monthly carbon/GFO replacement. RODI effluent tds is 0 (filters were replaces about 4 months ago).
My system is a 25 gallon display, 20L sump (~12 gallons), and a 12 gallon frag tank. There are currently 6 fish in the tank. DT lighting is am OR-T247 and frag tank lighting is a Kessil a350. Flow is a MP10WES and skimmer is a SCA 303.
My latest hypothesis is lack of nutrients. I have not been able to detect and PO4 or NO3 for quite some time, despite 3-4 feedings a day of dry and a homemade frozen blend. I have recently shut off my gfo and carbon reactor and begun dosing acropower to see if I can increase nutrient levels. I have found that the STNing is slightly less prominent in the frag tank and I believe this to be because of a much reduced flow through the frag tank, therefore nutrients are maintained longer.
Does it sound like an issue of a poorly managed ULNS system or is there something I may be missing? Any and all suggestions are welcome!