Thanks everyone! It will be a simple build, my last real reef was a 58g RR Oceanic, it crashed in 2010 due to a dead heater that I didn't have a backup for. Mixed reef, SPS/LPS and some zoas. This time around, I'm going far more simple, just a 29g AGA deal that will mostly be softies and LPS. I don't have the space for anything bigger at this point, but I hate not having a reef. Nothing complex, I'll treat this like I would treat my picos, which regular large water changes rather than a sump and gizmos, though I may run some reactors off the back for GFO and carbon. Think you could tape a LED light to the side of a TLF reactor and have a chaeto reactor?
I'll start the stand build next week, and am starting to order what I need to get set up. Since it's softies in a smaller tank I have to decide what kind of flow I want, I might go more low-medium.
So, 29AGA, LED lights, No sump, one false perc clown (locally bred), 1 inch aragonite sand bed, live rock, softies and some LPS, no skimmer, low-medium flow, auto-RO/DI-topoff (JBJ+aqualifter), weekly 20-25% water changes + more if water quality suffers.
I have a HOB fuge that would fit lying around, but I'm not sure I want it just yet. At the same time, I felt the key to my last tanks water quality was the fuge in my sump... which I actually enjoyed looking at more than the tank at times with all the little snails, starfish, pods, sponges and crabs that lived amongst the plants.
Want to treat like a pico, and have to stop myself from getting too complex... the time I used to invest with dosing and measuring and topoffs and all I want to eliminate. Going to build a DIY water change siphon that pulls the exact percentage out into a bucket everytime so I can stay on it, but not spend hours each week managing it, or buying little computers to do it for me. Someday, when the kids are a bit older (I have a one-week old and a three year old) I imagine I'll have time again, and space (because I can convince the kids it would be cool, who would help convince the wife) to set up a larger system again with all that fun stuff.