Chicago Reefs 2nd annual cookout EXTRAVAGANZA!

November 17th, 2012

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November 17th 3pm. 2pm lfs visit

Bbq/mini swap

$10 frag grab bag

There will be a PIF section. Bring a pif, get a pif.

Current donations:

Chicago Reefs- (3) $30 gift certificates and t-shirts!
Reefwise- Gift certificates!
Reef City Aquatics- Gift Certificates!

People were complaining about prices at the swap and that there weren't enough reefers selling items so i figured lets have a mini swap. We will have tanks set up so people can bring frags from their tanks to sell.

We will also probably be making a run to a lfs. I have xzotic, advanced, aquapros, and beyond the reef within 15mins from me.

I'm planning to grill so If everyone can bring a food or drink that would be awesome. We may even have a raffle.

With this being a members event there should be a ton of awesome stock

What else do u guys want?

For sure coming:

Me: 30g tank for frags, plates, napkins, beer, pizza
Walt: 30g tank for frags, caramel cakes, fresca's
Nate: heat packs, power strips, light, Raffle tickets
frostyjay: chips and dogs
Brett: frag rack, heater, pulled pork
Dre: carne asada & light
ETR: Tequila
Dave: Pending
Scotty: Cups, Holder? lol
Catalano- Pending
Dan- Pending-
William Lutman- MEAT!
Unico- Pending
Noob & supetchargedgp: dogs, chips and ice

Maybe coming:

Misplacen- beer
Steve: burgers
Skunkmere: short ribs and cake
Calysolo +1: beer

bringing frags to sell:


Any questions contact me, walt, dave, or Herbie.

List updated.
Im gonna bring some buckets too. Everyone needs a good bucket. Maybe raffle them off as something cheap and useful. They arent random ones. 5 home depot 5 gal barely used. Cant.even tell
i can also bring some extension cords, and i am bringing the 6 bulb T5 to help light up the frag tanks. i am also bringing some frags for grab bag. i will have at least 1 of my kids with me maybe all three depending if i can bribe the older one to stay home with the baby. If you still need salt i have a bucket of oceanic in the garage unopened. we can meet up at like RW or something. just let me know
Got all excited when I saw that this weekend is suppose to be in the 60s. Then I realized were having the BBQ NEXT weekend
November 17th 3pm. 2pm lfs visit

Bbq/mini swap

$10 frag grab bag

There will be a PIF section. Bring a pif, get a pif.

Current donations:

Chicago Reefs- gift certificates and t-shirts!
Reefwise- Gift certificates!
Reef City Aquatics- Gift Certificates!

People were complaining about prices at the swap and that there weren't enough reefers selling items so i figured lets have a mini swap. We will have tanks set up so people can bring frags from their tanks to sell.

We will also probably be making a run to a lfs. I have xzotic, advanced, aquapros, and beyond the reef within 15mins from me.

I'm planning to grill so If everyone can bring a food or drink that would be awesome. We may even have a raffle.

With this being a members event there should be a ton of awesome stock

What else do u guys want?

For sure coming:

Me: 30g tank for frags, plates, napkins, beer, pizza
Walt: 30g tank for frags, caramel cakes, fresca's
Nate: heat packs, power strips, light, Raffle tickets
frostyjay+1: chips and dogs
Brett: frag rack, heater, pulled pork
Dre: carne asada & light
ETR: Tequila and potato salad
Dave: Pending
Scotty: Cups, Holder? lol
Catalano- burgers,buns,cheese,water,and some kind of dessert
Dan- Pending-
William Lutman- MEAT!
Unico- Pending
Noob & supetchargedgp: dogs, chips and ice
Steve +1- Beer

Maybe coming:

Skunkmere: short ribs and cake
Calysolo +1: beer

bringing frags to sell:


Any questions contact me, walt, dave, or Herbie.

List updated again.

George there isn't really a list for PIF but i do know what u gave me. Thanks

up to 19 people confirmed. If u are not coming please let me know.

If u are bringing frags please PM me with how many and if u plan to sell.

There may be a 20-25 person limit to this party to keep it personal and not over crowded.
Hey joe, ill be coming for sure. Ill have some stuff to sell as well. I could easily bring a 5.5 g tank or share with someone else. Ill make a cute little frag rack for my stuff. Please put me down to bring some beer and some snacks. How many tanks are you setting up in the garage?
Only 1 spot left open for the bbq. We are putting a 20 person limit on the party to prevent cramping and to keep it more personal. If anyone backs out i'll keep a spot open for who ever request it.
Hey joe, ill be coming for sure. Ill have some stuff to sell as well. I could easily bring a 5.5 g tank or share with someone else. Ill make a cute little frag rack for my stuff. Please put me down to bring some beer and some snacks. How many tanks are you setting up in the garage?

I'll have a 10g set up for frags and a 30g set up w/ warm FW for floating bags if people want to do that. i got u down for beer and snacks.

What we currently need is


I'll update as time goes on lol.
do you mind if i use an outlet? Im gonna bring a 5.5 with a light, heater and power head. I assume i can suspend the light from a rafter in the garage ceiling? Otherwise ill build a little light stand.
um it might be difficult to hang something from that high up lol. no problem, i'll have power strips and extension cords as needed. If u are setting up a tank and want to bring it the day before (which i recommend) lol let me know
do you mind if i use an outlet? Im gonna bring a 5.5 with a light, heater and power head. I assume i can suspend the light from a rafter in the garage ceiling? Otherwise ill build a little light stand.

Matt, I will be taking a 10gal with a PAR38 if you want to add your things...