November 17th 3pm. 2pm lfs visit
Bbq/mini swap
$10 frag grab bag
There will be a PIF section. Bring a pif, get a pif.
Current donations:
Chicago Reefs- (3) $30 gift certificates and t-shirts!
Reefwise- Gift certificates!
Reef City Aquatics- Gift Certificates!
People were complaining about prices at the swap and that there weren't enough reefers selling items so i figured lets have a mini swap. We will have tanks set up so people can bring frags from their tanks to sell.
We will also probably be making a run to a lfs. I have xzotic, advanced, aquapros, and beyond the reef within 15mins from me.
I'm planning to grill so If everyone can bring a food or drink that would be awesome. We may even have a raffle.
With this being a members event there should be a ton of awesome stock
What else do u guys want?
For sure coming:
Me: 30g tank for frags, plates, napkins, beer
Walt: 30g tank for frags, caramel cakes, fresca's
Nate: heat packs, power strips, light, Raffle tickets
frostyjay: chips and dogs
Brett: frag rack, heater, pulled pork
Dre: carne asada & light
ETR: Tequila & Potato Salad
Dave: Pending
Scotty: Pending
Catalano- Pending
Maybe coming:
Misplacen- beer
Steve: burgers
Skunkmere: short ribs and cake
Noob & supetchargedgp: dogs, chips and ice
Calysolo +1: beer
George: chaeto & frags
bringing frags to sell:
Any questions contact me, walt, dave, or Herbie.