Chicago Reefs 2nd annual cookout EXTRAVAGANZA!

November 17th, 2012

  • 3rd

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 10th

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 17th

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  • 24th

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Not that this has any bearing on anything, but I know I can't do the 3rd (wedding in IN), or the 24th (Saturday after Thanksgiving. Christmas tree hunting). Also, what time were you thinking of starting/going to?
This is going to be the 17 th i have to update the first page. Was thinking lfs visit at 2 then cookout at 3 at my house
Hey guys, I am super excited about the idea of a "mini" fragswap. We had a very successful holiday party last year (lots of credit to Eric) and I think we should make this frag swap coming up our 2nd annual CR frag swap party. We had a pretty good turn out last year, and with the growth of CR in the past year, the turn out should be even greater. I think we should go up and beyond and really make this next frag swap something special.
What I am envisioning. A frag swap with free table space/tanks to anyone who wants to sell frags from their personal collection. I am hesitant to have vendors there and have only strictly hobbyist selling/trading. This will help keep price of frags affordable. Vendors can come as hobbyist and sell from their personal collection. It will be a large but intimate frag swap.
Couple of questions
1. Would it be possible to push this frag swap into Dec?
2. Will Joes garage be large enough to accommodate a big turn out? or should we look into doing it at a LFS or rent a venue

Let me know you guys thoughts
Go big or go home!

In that case, maybe do a 'holiday/thanksgiving' (whatever you want to call it) Party at Joe's on the 17th - still do the LFS Run / Grill-out, etc. This would also be a great time if people want to pick up afew items from eachother (verses driving to their homes).

Then maybe look at a LFS/Venue for Dec as a CR Frag Swap? Even if Joe's garage is big enough, keep in mind it will be Decemeber and cold out - I doubt we can have everything 'fully enclosed' plus EVERYONE inside the garage. Only other thought is if someone's house is large enough and their willing to 'host' the swap inside.

I think with the proper planning, and taking into account everyone's suggestions from previous swaps they've been to, this can turn out great!
I just got clearance from the tower, so I am all in for the 17th! (I'll check what still needs bringing) I think Dan may be on to something: we could do the swap at Joe's Garage (that has a nice ring to it) and then still do a holidy party at a willing LFS in, maybe even early January, since everyone gets crazy around the holidays anyway. Just throwing it out there, but I think it is awesome that Joe is spearheading this and the interest from the comunity makes this look like it will be a really great CR event.
When this whole idea was being created we had talked about December. Only problem with December is that Thanksgiving just past, everyone is busy during December for xmas and then u have new years shortly after. I had brought up December but a lot of people stated they would be busy.

To give u an idea on my garage size, it's bigger then a 2.5 car garage and deeper then most garages.

For anyone who was at the swap at the vfw it's probably about the size of the area where booyahs clowns to the front door. How many people can fit comfortably I'm not sure.

I would also like this to be a personal frag swap. I know people are always wanting to sell frags and dry goods well now is your chance. We are going to have a pay it forward area also. U bring a pif and u can grab a pif.
Or we can keep this as a bbq/ mini meet and Cr host a frag swap for cr members only at a bigger location. Maybe someone with a huge empty basement.
I just got clearance from the tower, so I am all in for the 17th! (I'll check what still needs bringing) I think Dan may be on to something: we could do the swap at Joe's Garage (that has a nice ring to it) and then still do a holidy party at a willing LFS in, maybe even early January, since everyone gets crazy around the holidays anyway. Just throwing it out there, but I think it is awesome that Joe is spearheading this and the interest from the comunity makes this look like it will be a really great CR event.

I think we should keep them seperate. There were a lot of people at the Holiday Party and my only concern would be the limited space in the garage for people, tables of frags, tables of food & drink and sitting and standing room. He hasn't opened up the house, just the garage, and Emily has been really patient with Joe and his obsession with his new hobby. I've seen her face and I know that look. LOL. I don't want to annoy her.

I think a holiday crowd would be be larger than this Home-Hosted get-together. I'll plan to be at both, regardless....but I don't want to overburden Joe, as he is being very genourous lending us his own space for use.

I've talked to Reefwise about hosting a Holiday Party at his store and he's all for that but I know folks will complain about the distance and now that he has those extra tanks in there, space might be a challange there too. I think the Holiday will need it's own planning committe because both events will draw a different crowd.
I'd be in maybe even tho I left the hobby I want to stay active and still be apart of the community because I do want to return. I will keep checking back for a positive date.

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I think we should keep them seperate. There were a lot of people at the Holiday Party and my only concern would be the limited space in the garage for people, tables of frags, tables of food & drink and sitting and standing room. He hasn't opened up the house, just the garage, and Emily has been really patient with Joe and his obsession with his new hobby. I've seen her face and I know that look. LOL. I don't want to annoy her.

I think a holiday crowd would be be larger than this Home-Hosted get-together. I'll plan to be at both, regardless....but I don't want to overburden Joe, as he is being very genourous lending us his own space for use.

I've talked to Reefwise about hosting a Holiday Party at his store and he's all for that but I know folks will complain about the distance and now that he has those extra tanks in there, space might be a challange there too. I think the Holiday will need it's own planning committe because both events will draw a different crowd.


Lets keep this as a fun BBQ/mini meet... Something simple and easy..

Its great that CR wants a Holiday party again.. Will be fun :D
This is getting blown way up. This Is going to be a bbq at my house. Cr is not hosting the event i am. The house will also be open but the party will be in the heated garage.

This is for people to enjoy food and maybe bring home some goodies. This Is no different then the previous cr cookout.

Everyone is always complaining about having to drive to get good deals on frags now here is your Chance to have them somewhere ur going to be at.

Its also a good way to get rid of your extra crap u have laying around.

Lets not make this a huge ordeal. Just have a nice time and enjoy friends.
This is getting blown way up. This Is going to be a bbq at my house. Cr is not hosting the event i am. The house will also be open but the party will be in the heated garage.

This is for people to enjoy food and maybe bring home some goodies. This Is no different then the previous cr cookout.

Everyone is always complaining about having to drive to get good deals on frags now here is your Chance to have them somewhere ur going to be at.

Its also a good way to get rid of your extra crap u have laying around.

Lets not make this a huge ordeal. Just have a nice time and enjoy friends.

A casual social gathering sounds great. I see it as being more about chatting, trading, and doing a pot luck lunch/dinner with fellow reef geeks.

I'm planning to host something in our backyard next summer as well.
Let’s get a list of people who are DEFINATLY going and a list of people who MIGHT go. We need to know how many folks we are dealing with and packing into this garage. Let’s include your Plus 1s, 2s, 3s or however you might be bringing.
Let’s get a list of people who are DEFINATLY going and a list of people who MIGHT go. We need to know how many folks we are dealing with and packing into this garage. Let’s include your Plus 1s, 2s, 3s or however you might be bringing.

Looks like I'm free for the 17th. I'll probably roll solo and leave the wife and Kiddo at home. I don't want the fish to get lonely.
Let’s get a list of people who are DEFINATLY going and a list of people who MIGHT go. We need to know how many folks we are dealing with and packing into this garage. Let’s include your Plus 1s, 2s, 3s or however you might be bringing.

I will be there unescorted.
We'll also need to compile a list of items we need and who is bringing them. Folks work best when they KNOW what they need to bring versus what they can bring. We don't need 20 people bringing bags of chips and sodas.

We need to think about the smaller needed items like:

Power Strips
Extension Cords
Ziploc Bags
Plastic baggies
Stuff to keep kids engaged and entertained
Switches, Belts and timeout caps
Paper Towels
Yes if u are coming please post

Your name- what u would like to bring- if u are bringing and livestock or pif

Ur name will be added to the list on the front page when u make your post.
I will be there unescorted.

I will bring Heat Packs (I have about 20) 2 power strips, a MH/PC light (if needed) and I can hit SAMS or COSTCO if anything else is needed. I probably won't bring any livestock, but I will go through all of my extra chit and bring what I can for swapping and PIF purposes (I basically have a reefing flea market in my fishroom).
Probably will just be me - May bring the K-9 Truck so Pedro can chill too.
No livestock but probably got some PIF laying around.
I can bring:
(And anything else needed)

Just out of curiousity, are we still doing the $5-10 frag grab bag? Thought that was a cool idea because it's totally random what you get :)