Chicago Reefs 2nd annual cookout EXTRAVAGANZA!

November 17th, 2012

  • 3rd

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  • 17th

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I've got the following things covered:

30 Gallon Tank - For Holding Frags
Caramel Cake from Angelica's Bakery
A case of Fresca Soda
I'm selling a few frags
I'm bringing a few frags for the Grab-Bag
I'll bring a few things for the PIF Pile
Joe, I'm a tentative maybe regardless of weekend and will fly solo to the event. If I make it I will def stop at the grocery and grab a goodie to share, and likely bring along a couple pif corals and chaeto to share around. I hope I can make it, sounds like a good time in the making.
I am a MIGHT go. If i make it i will bring my wife, some pif stuff, and probably a case of beer (not light, bud, miller, etc...)
Looks like I'm free for the 17th. I'll probably roll solo and leave the wife and Kiddo at home. I don't want the fish to get lonely.

Brett - I'm pretty sure that I have extra black egg crate so I could make a bottom frag rack. I also have an extra heater or two that I can bring. What if I smoked some meat (No jokes walt) like pulled pork?

You can put me down for Frag Rack, heater, pulled pork, maybe some pif items ( have to see what's in the basement), and definitely a pif frag. I might have some frags to sell by then but maybe not.
November 17th 3pm. 2pm lfs visit

Bbq/mini swap

$10 frag grab bag

There will be a PIF section. Bring a pif, get a pif.

People were complaining about prices at the swap and that there weren't enough reefers selling items so i figured lets have a mini swap. We will have tanks set up so people can bring frags from their tanks to sell.

We will also probably be making a run to a lfs. I have xzotic, advanced, aquapros, and beyond the reef within 15mins from me.

I'm planning to grill so If everyone can bring a food or drink that would be awesome. We may even have a raffle.

With this being a members event there should be a ton of awesome stock

What else do u guys want?

For sure coming:

Me: 30g tank for frags, plates, napkins, beer
Walt: 30g tank for frags, caramel cakes, fresca's
Nate: heat packs, power strips, light
frostyjay: chips and dogs

Maybe coming:

Dre: carne asada
Misplacen- beer
Steve: burgers
Skunkmere: short ribs and cake
Noob & supetchargedgp: dogs, chips and ice


bringing frags to sell:

LisT updated. If there is no +1 next to your name then only u are accounted for.
Hey guys, I am super excited about the idea of a "mini" fragswap. We had a very successful holiday party last year (lots of credit to Eric) and I think we should make this frag swap coming up our 2nd annual CR frag swap party. We had a pretty good turn out last year, and with the growth of CR in the past year, the turn out should be even greater. I think we should go up and beyond and really make this next frag swap something special.
What I am envisioning. A frag swap with free table space/tanks to anyone who wants to sell frags from their personal collection. I am hesitant to have vendors there and have only strictly hobbyist selling/trading. This will help keep price of frags affordable. Vendors can come as hobbyist and sell from their personal collection. It will be a large but intimate frag swap.
Couple of questions
1. Would it be possible to push this frag swap into Dec?
2. Will Joes garage be large enough to accommodate a big turn out? or should we look into doing it at a LFS or rent a venue

Let me know you guys thoughts

Having a CR swap and shutting out your sponsors that pay for the site is not a very good idea FYI. If there was an official CR swap at a venue that was bonded WCR will be there! For insurance reasons we cannot be at a personal location unless private event insurance was provided.
Joe, don't mark me as maybe.. I'm going..

I will bring my new toy from Coral Conpulsion to light up and give some POP!!
Joe, if you need me to bring the tank over the night before or drop off at your job, let me know. I'm happy to do whatever.

Oh...and don't forget to put Saltwater on the list of things we need. Maybe a couple powerheads too.
I have a 240 and a spare 550 we can use. Walt I'll let u know about the tank. Anyone have some cheap salt laying around. I can get it mixed a couple days before
yeah maybe you can put on the swap list that there can be no xenia or kenya tree. Then you wont have half the people bringing them lol.. everyone just brings garbage then its not fair for people who do bring nice zoos or something..
It's a gamble, and if we have a younger member or a noob, that may be all they have. I don't want folks thinking we are trying to be elitist or folks feeling excluded because they don't have a fancier tank or livestock.

The gamble is you may get something fancy I might bring or you may end up winning xenia. No one can be upset about getting free coral. We aren't going to the party for coral. We're going for good times, good drink, good food and to look into Joe's Blue Eyes. It's a party y'all!!

All I know is that I better not pull xenia with my ticket. Just sayin'.
Im definitely going, Ill hold out to see how the rest of the list fills out and help plug any shortages that come up.
It's a gamble, and if we have a younger member or a noob, that may be all they have. I don't want folks thinking we are trying to be elitist or folks feeling excluded because they don't have a fancier tank or livestock.

The gamble is you may get something fancy I might bring or you may end up winning xenia. No one can be upset about getting free coral. We aren't going to the party for coral. We're going for good times, good drink, good food and to look into Joe's Blue Eyes. It's a party y'all!!

All I know is that I better not pull xenia with my ticket. Just sayin'.

I'm that noob... If the name didn't give it away