Official Spring 2012 Paly Grow-Out Contest

Yes, weekend pickup is possible. Fragging the first batch tonight before I go to sleep. Wanted the polyps to close up on their own before cutting.

In all seriousness, if you're going to be in the neighborhood (chicagophil), then I'll deff meet up to grab ma paly, please :)
Got 12 polyps ready to go, they are being demo'ed on my 12 plug frag rock. Each rock is hand made and one of a kind. My smallest clown is in love with the rock, he's doing laps in and out of all the holes in it.

Anyone that wants to pick up this weekend, just let me know. As frags are picked up, additional polyps will be cut until enough are made for all participants.
Who's coming out today to pickup? Let's get these polyps distributed! Pm with your number and I'll text you the address if you want to come out today or tomorrow.
Nice meeting you as well, along with all the other new faces I've met in the past few days! Lotta early pickups, we may be seeing babies by the time the contest actually starts!
Getting close to 15 paid and picked up! The payouts only get bigger after that point! Prizes are going to look good if we get all 24 on the list paid up and in the contest!
I picked up my paly today - I gotta say, Fishbeards "for sale" tank is utterly amazing. I can't wait to see how the new 180 turns out.

Tank and equipment:
Size: 29 gallon Biocube
Flow: MP10es
Filtration: Tunze 9002 skimmer, Chaeto and rubble in make-shift fuge
Lighting: DIY nano setup retro-fitted into stock hood. 16 royal blue, 8 white, 1 red
Placement: I'm gonna play around a bit, but for now, it's high in a corner offset from the LEDs with moderate flow.
Coral Food: Couple types of Rods and Phyto2's new Azox
Fish:Clown Pair, Pajama Cardinal, Melanarus Wrasse, 6-line Wrasse, Lawn Mower Blenny

Just realized that I did not post the picture. Note that this IS marginally "auto-corrected" since my phone took a crummy "flat" picture.
Picked up Friday

Tank and equipment:Size: 24Gallon Current-USA Cardiff
Flow: Hydor Koralia 425 ghp
Filtration: Cardiff built-in skimmer 350 gph , Chaeto and rubble in back filter area, and 350 gph return pump
Lighting: Deep Blue 20" T5 HO with 18w 10K and 18w Actinic
Placement: Upper middle of tank inline with main flow, (Zone 1)
Coral Food: Azox
Picked up yesterdayTank and equipment:
Size: 5gallon Frag tank Fluval Chi
Flow: Koralia Nano
Filtration:Frequent water changes, I dont know what filtration is!

Lighting:Solaris 9inch- 36w LED
Placement:High, low flow.
Coral Food: rods + cyclopeeze
Fish:Juvie Pair of True Percula
Picked up Saturday

FB, Great new tank...can't wait to see it set up.
Tank and Equipment
Size: 29 gallon Standard
Flow: Vortech MP10WES, Hydor nano
Filtration: Hydor nano skimmer, aquaclear 50
Lighting:Apex lite, 4 bulb T5 - ATI, 2 blue+, 1 Aquablue special, 1 Actinic
Placement: Low to mid, medium flow
Food: Rod's
Fish: 2 clown, 1 scooter, 1 blue damsel, 1 Royal gramma
if you head down south before then let me know ill get in if theres any openings i should have grabbed one sat
I have 4 polyps ready to go immediately, and 1 member stopping by this evening to pickup, does anyone else want to stop by this evening between 5:30 and 8 to pick up their frag?
Dan and I are going to stop by, please reserve 2.

Ok, so I have 3 polyps on reserve for pickup tonight. Got one more left for pickup immediately (after 5:30). Then I'll cut the next dozen. I will be very busy the weekend before the contest starts, so this weekend would be the best time to come out for those on the list that still need polyps.
Tank and equipment:Size: 90G Mixed reef
Flow: 1 mp40
Filtration: Biopellets and GAC, ASM G1x Skimmer, no fuge
Lighting: An old Nova Pro 8 bulb T5 w/ ATI bulbs
Placement: Upper middle of tank w/ good flow
Coral Food: Rod's & cyclopeeze once a week
Anyone else still on the list as unpaid and not picked up please contact me to arrange to do so. This weekend would work best for pickup, or evenings after 5:30 during the week. I will be busy in and out throughout the holiday weekend next week and will not be available for pickup before the contest starts. If you need to pickup next weekend, please PayPal ahead for your polyp and arrange to pickup from Lil BamBam, he has volunteered to hold a few polyps for last minute pickup. Thanks.