Official Spring 2012 Paly Grow-Out Contest

I am in!

Tank and equipment -Size: 72 Gal Bow Front Mixed reef
Flow: 2 Koralias
Filtration: Biopellets, Carbon and GFO
Lighting: Aquatic Life 4 bulb t-5: Blue Plus, Aqua Blue Special, Purple Plus and Actinic bulbs
Placement: Upper middle of tank w/ good flow
Coral Food: Azox Coral Food once a week

Tank and equipment:Size: 75gallon Plenum and 29 sump
Flow: Tunze 6025, Koralias 1050 & 750, and Maxi Jet 1200
Filtration: ASM G1x Skimmer, Chaeto and Rubble in Fuge, BRS Bio pellet reactor, 2 Two Little Fishies GFO & Carbon reactors
Lighting:48" 8 bulb Tek with ATI's
Placement: Sand bed
Coral Food: Pellets and Rod's Food
Fish:Maroon Clown, Niger, Regal Tang, 6 Line Wrasse, Blue Damsel, Green Damsel, Lawn mower, mandarin, and some crappy fish Dre keeps trying to spear.

Tank and equipment:Size: 75gallon DSB\Plenum and 29 sump
Flow: Tunze 6025, 2 Koralias, and Maxi Jet 1200
Filtration: ASM G1x Skimmer, Chaeto and Rubble in Fuge, BRS Bio pellet reactor, 2 Two Little Fishies GFO & Carbon reactors
Lighting:48" 8 bulb Tek with ATI's
Placement: Sand bed
Coral Food: Fish poop : )
Fish:Maroon Clown, Niger, Regal Tang, 6 Line Wrasse, Blue Damsel, Green Damsel, Lawn mower, mandarin, and some crappy fish..
Have 9 more polyps fragged and ready to go. I will be available tomorrow for pickup, pm for info and to arrange pickup of frag.
Ok, 5 polyps left for pickup, 5 people still left need to pay and pickup. Anyone else that wants to participate, it's not too late! Still have until next Sunday to get a polyp and in on the action. We have over 15 people confirmed, so the payouts will be bigger than shown above! Also a surprise 2nd place prize has been donated and will be announced at the start of the competition as well!
Thanks Jay for picking mine up and dropping it off!!! It was nice seeing you again.....

Here is my info and some crappy IPhone pics... If anyone is interested in a DIY food recipe just click on Melev's DIY food recipe below.

Tank and equipment:Size: 75 gallon DSB and ProFlex Sump Model 3
Flow: MP40 & MP10
Filtration: SWC skimmer, Chaeto, Dual BRS GFO and Carbon Reactor
Lighting: 4-54w Bulb T5 Fixtures w/ 21-1w High Par Value Moon LED.
Placement: Mid tank/medium flow
Coral Food: Melev's DIY food recipe
Fish: Yellow Tang,Blue Tang, Trio Clowns,Green Mandarin,Blue/Green Reef Chromis,Sleeper Gold Head Goby


QUICK REMINDER: Only a few days left to pick up a polyp before the competition begins! Still have 5 polyps ready to go right now.
Tank: 14 gal biocube
Flow: Stock and 1 nano koraila
Filtration: Stevie ts media rack with flitler floss, chemipure, and chaeto
Placement: Middle of tank on live rock
Lighting: Rapidled 12 - 3- watt cree leds retrofit kit
Food: Rods and Cyclopreeze
Fish: 2 occ clowns, fireshrimp, pajama cardinal, firefish
125 gallon with 55 gallon sump/refugium, 1200 gph overflow , 1 koralia #4 & 2 koralia #2 in main tank, 1 koralia #4 in refugium/sump with a turboflotor 1000 multi skimmer. Lighting is current usa with 3 150 watt MH, 8 39 watt T5s and 24 led night lights, current usa 1/3 hp chiller. Placement will be about mid tank, and as for fish I have 2 tank raised ocellaris clownfish, 1 blue/green chromis, 1 yellow tang, 1 purple tang , 1 imperator almost fully changed to adult coloration,1 lyretail anthias, 5 pepperment shrimp, 2 skunk cleaner shrimp and a pistol shrimp . Then there's the clean up crew of many snails and hermit crabs

I will get a pic up in a day or two after I get my new bulbs in. If thats OK that is? Bulbs should be here tomorrow.
Tank: 12 gallon JBJ NanoCube DX
Flow: MJ900 and 1 nano koraila
Filtration: Filter Floss, Chemipure, Chaeto
Placement: Bottom of tank on rock
Lighting: Rapidled 3W Cree Upgrade (6 Cool White, 6 Royal Blue, 2 UV, 2 Green)
Food: Rods Original for a few Chalices
Fish: None
DJE: No prob Man! It was good to see your tanks and I don't mind making the rounds for most people :)

I'll edit a pic in tonight. It's difficult functioning with a dumb "smart phone".


Ignore the algae, lol...

Tank and equipment:Size: 12G Aquapod
Flow: Maxi-jet 1200 w/ Y-loc-linie, and K-nano 240
Filtration: Polyfill, Chaeto, random black sponge
Lighting: Sunpod 150
Placement: Mid tank/medium flow
Coral Food: Rod's Original
Fish: Blue/Yellow Damsel, Black/White-striped Damsel; True Perc, may she rest in peace...

Tank: RSM 250
Lighting: stock
1- ATI Purple Plus 39W 36" T5 Bulb
2- KZ 39W 36" New Generation 14000K T5 Bulb
3- KZ 39W 36" Super Blue T5 Bulb

Filtration:CPE and Floss- no skimmer
Flow:Stock, Koralia Nano and Koralia 1
Position in tank: 4-5" from the sand bed
Coral: tons of zoas, light SPS
Fish: yellow clown goby, yellow coris wrasse, a pair of Rainford gobies, longnose hawk.
Food: Rods, mysis, azox

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