Official Spring 2013 Paly Grow-Out Contest

I'll pick up from Aquapros around 2 Saturday as well - and can help out for any that live further north! I'm in Highwood (tiny bit between Highland Park and Lake Forest area), so just PM if you want me to pick something up for you.

Erik, I will add you to the AP visit.
~~~Bump Bump~~~

Only got about a 1/3 of you set for pick up, which starts tomorrow - I want to make sure everyone gets their frag on time :) Pick up availability is posted on the first post of this thread, please PM me with when you'd like to pick up :)

Also, I got lots of room in my new 120g for frags :D By no means asking for any freebies, but if you have some frags let me know via PM and I may be interested. Not looking for anything specific, mainly z/ps/softies/LPS or easier SPS. Again this is not a plee for freebies, I got the cash lol just figured since so many people were coming by It could save some trips in the future.

Round #1 of pick ups begins ~TODAY~

We currently have 32 reefers registered for the Grow-Out, Still have room for more. This should be a pretty good competition, as I would say these palys are fast growers. They were all fragged the same night (approx 10days ago) and at least one frag as a full second head formed!
(Disclaimer: Again all frags were frags the same evening and have been placed in the exact same conditions - I will do my best so that everyone receives one polyp with no bumps/heads forming)

If you have not PM'ed me regarding payment and/or pick up, please do so when possible - I'd like my sandbed back :loldude:
Several frags were picked up lastnight - Great meeting all of you that came by. Still alot that need to be picked up.

As a reminder, I will be at ReefWise Tonight from 5-6p. I packed extra frags this morning incase anyone else would like to meet up there. Also available tonight and tomorrow night at my house. I will be at AquaPros Saturday from 2-3p, available to pick up Saturday afternoon from my house, as well as all day Sunday.
Its home and open big and fat.
View attachment 12390
Placement: 3" off bottom
40 breeder W/20L sump mixed reef tank
T5 lighting waiting for leds from group buy
2 clowns, 1 mandarin, 1 royal grama, 1 african flameback angel, rbta
Dose: alk, cal, mag, fuel
reef octopus nwb-110
coral frenzy rods food and flake
Glad to hear it Mike :) -Since you have your pic posted, if you want you can just edit your post and add the rest of the info.

Per Rule #1
1. Must do a brief writeup of your system (eg. size, flow, light, placement of the paly, coral food, fish, etc) with initial photo of frag in your tank.

Please make sure to have your initial check-in POSTED BY MARCH 18th (This gives everyone a week after the start of the growout)

Here's mine.

Placement: sandbed
Tank: nc12
Flow: hydor pico evo 1200 with koralia nano 240
Lighting: ledtric 18w par38 20k bulb
Supplements: nano A&B
I have 2 clowns that I feed thera mysis and krill that's the only food that goes in my tank.Good luck to everyone who participated.
-93 gallon Cube, 2x 20 gallon long sumps
-Refugium (chaeto, LR, sand, copepod heaven)
-Return pump wiht 2 heads
-1350gph Korella
-750gph Korella
-Two 4 bulb 24" T5 lights
-Soon to be swapping the T5's with two IT2060's from the group buy!
-Filters (other than LR, Sand, and Refug)
-filter bag
-Eshopps SC120 Skimmer
-Livestock; Powder Brown Tang, two Clownfish, African Midas Blenny, Purple Fire Fish, Watchman Goby, Red Knobby Starfish (might not be the right name for it), Fire shrimp, Coral Banded Shrimp, 3x Sexy Shrimp, Purple Reef Lobster, and the CUC (Turbos, Astrea, hermits).
-Corals; 2 Acan small colonies, 2 birdsnest, Galaxea, giant LT mushrooms, and tons of zoas (and I don't know hardly any of the names!).

Placement: Center of tank, medium flow, ~18" from waterline, ~21" from lights.

Dosing: 2part, VitC (very low amounts), Fuel, Vibrance.

View attachment 12404
Frags are going quickly! Still got some for more to join it - Make sure to PM when you want to pick yours up and remember to post a brief write up/picture :)
Thanks for the Polyp Express Will. This little guy was completely open during shipping and placement (until a hermit gave him a shakedown anyway).

Polyp is in my 45 cube on the sand bed under coral compulsion 120w full spec LED. Better pics to come (hopefully). View attachment 12460
here is my frag never closed up during the whole trip or while acclumating.
currrent tank

55 gallon mixed reef
1 year old
running just on a rena xp canister filter
and the crapiest protien skimmer made
all water peramiters at acceptable levels
chinese led lights(love these for the price)
View attachment 12475
so I'll try this one in my 27G cube SPS tank
Kessil A350w
Mag 7 for return and flow
Koralia 450 for flow
custom sump to fit the stand
BSR Bio pellet reactor
Reef Octopus HB-50 skimmer
bag of GFO in sump

