-93 gallon Cube, 2x 20 gallon long sumps
-Refugium (chaeto, LR, sand, copepod heaven)
-Return pump wiht 2 heads
-1350gph Korella
-750gph Korella
-Two 4 bulb 24" T5 lights
-Soon to be swapping the T5's with two IT2060's from the group buy!
-Filters (other than LR, Sand, and Refug)
-filter bag
-Eshopps SC120 Skimmer
-Livestock; Powder Brown Tang, two Clownfish, African Midas Blenny, Purple Fire Fish, Watchman Goby, Red Knobby Starfish (might not be the right name for it), Fire shrimp, Coral Banded Shrimp, 3x Sexy Shrimp, Purple Reef Lobster, and the CUC (Turbos, Astrea, hermits).
-Corals; 2 Acan small colonies, 2 birdsnest, Galaxea, giant LT mushrooms, and tons of zoas (and I don't know hardly any of the names!).
Placement: Center of tank, medium flow, ~18" from waterline, ~21" from lights.
Dosing: 2part, VitC (very low amounts), Fuel, Vibrance.
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