Here's my Frag on Day 1! It used to be about halfway up the tank. Apparently my snail brigade thought that wasn't quite right - so it is now in the sand to prevent any further mishaps involving the frag being intimately acquainted with the sand, tile-side up. In fact, it is probably in a pretty poor spot now, being located in the corner, about as far from the center of the tank as possible. It will be moved, and an update will follow - but that won't happen for some time.
As for my tank:
size: 90g, ~30 gallon sump (although total water volume after deep sand bed in the sump and all the live rock in the DT is probably around 90 - 100g)
flow: MP40, MP10, mag9.5 driving my returns
light: Picture taken in basic T5HOs, just installed AI Vegas (x2)!
placement of the paly: Very poorly. In a corner, on its own, beneath the mp10.
coral food: Blender Mash, Rod's Coral Food, Oyster Eggs, soaked in vitamins once they get here..
fish: None. (fish fallow period)
Other livestock: Sunburst BTA, 3 Cleaner Skunk Shrimp, Orange Linkia, 90g Reefcleaners CUC, assorted other corals, 2 massive turbos, and a brittle star in the sump (for bad behaviour).
View attachment 12585
Edit: Hate how jpegs flatten things and compress the darks into solid black