Classroom reef/fwlr

Alright peeps! Time for an update:

The classroom reef project is a go! The kids are extremely excited and I've gotten a lot of support from the school staff and our parents! Everyone is pumped about it! My students even research the different reef inhabitants on their own at home and are so excited to share the info with me and the rest of the class! Third grade! How sick is that?! Today's share was about the pistol shrimp!

So I've ordered the tank!!! I went with the Nuvo 30g and ordered it through Dave at Aquapros! He's helped out a lot through this process so props to you brother! Still looking for lighting but I've pretty much narrowed it between two fixtures, so I'll be placing that order pretty soon.

Now comes the awkward moment when I ask for donations! :)
The kids are really pumped about our reef and love reading about them and looking through magazines! I have a few coral magazines that I've brought to the class but I only had a few. If you guys/gals have coral magazines that is just collecting 145 could sure use your generosity!

Thanks in advance! Will keep you guys updated and maybe even post our build!
Ryan, for the good of education, I have a bunch of easier corals I would like to donate to your classroom reef. Also can bag you up some chaeto as well if needed. Just let me know when it's ready for corals and you'll be up this way to pickup.
KIS - Keep it Simple.

AIO - dont look back.

I will donate a new 20lb bag of black sand- the "live" stuff. also - 10-15 pounds of LR from my sump.

I would recomend a 12 gallon or smaller tank. - schools are notorius for doing weekend maintenance - make sure you have some back up power for a pump. also - alot of classrooms get toasty hot on the weekends too.

Good luck.
Just saw this thread now. not sure why you want dead corals. I have a pair of clowns for your tank some zoas, xiana, and shrooms to.
I was thinking too...maybe sometime down the road...maybe some folks could make a personalized video for the class introducing your tank and a message on y you enjoy your tank..what do u guys think
I would love to be able to help out with this, and I'm in Lombard so it would be a very fast commute for you. I don't have many softies, but I do have some green button polyps that ice been trying to get rid of if you're interested. I also have my SPS graveyard that I could pull a couple of "frags that never made it" out of.
Come to think of it, I have a frag plug with a single "goochster" paly that you can have too.
PM me if you're interested.

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And so it begins...
