Classroom reef/fwlr

Thanks the kids are so excited...Dave came by the other night to help me get sand and water in just figuring out the lighting
This is one cool project for the classroom. I bet the kids will be begging for their own tank at home. But whatever you do, please do not keep zoas or palys. They can carry paly toxin and kill.
Here is an old article. You can also just search for zoa or palytoxin poisoning on Google. It's scary stuff. Since you will be dealing with third grade students, I really don't think it's a good idea. You can have a lot of neat things in your tank without zoas. And in case you are wondering, there is no way to tell which Zoas carry the poison and which do not. It is theorized that Zoas do not really produce the poison but simply collect it for their use.
A little update...
Got the tank wet and cycling with are so excited! We take a few minutes at the end of the day and do the water tests together. We've talked about amonia, nitrites and nitrates and they seem to retain the info! How cool is that! Some even go home and explain it to their parents!


Here's a few more pics of our classroom!
Welcome to room 145

I decided to pay homage to the lfs that I frequent often...

Here is our "jobs" board:

This is where we will be showcasing our outstanding work:


And this is where we post our questions that extend beyond what we learn in our classroom so that we can all do research and help each other find the answers:


More pics to come...stay tuned
New project for the class...looking for cheap lighting that would fit a as possible if u have something just laying around...maybe like a dual bulb t5...please let me know