Clowns Spawned!

Thanks everyone! :D LOL Kimmie...

Gus, the biggest hurdle in getting clowns to spawn is frequent feedings and a varied diet. I have started feeding some foods from Fauna Marin and believe this a a major contributing factor to my recent success. Most of my fish are very fat now, and my starry blennies look like they have swallowed marbles because they are so fat. Hopefully they will start spawning soon too! My LPS love the pellet foods they make, and I can finally keep sun corals with ease. They come right out when they sense the food in the tank. My ORA mandarin also picks at their pellets. For any of you that have yet to try this brand of products, I would highly recommend them.
Here are some pics

It has been a very busy week for the clownfish this week! The babies will be 3 weeks old tomorrow! I will also be collecting the black clowns tonight, and a 3rd picasso nest tomorrow night. Also, for those of you who haven't heard, I brought in some of my Rod's Onyx clowns to MCF 3 days ago. Be sure to check them out next time you're in, or on our facebook page!

Here is a quick pic I got of the 3 week olds.
Blake your Rods onyx clowns are doing well in my tank. They look great and are eating everything. Thank you so much for such a healthy pair of fish. I will try to post some photos tomorrow.

Since everyone wants your other clowns I will also like to be on the list for them!!
This is super exciting! Thanks for sharing, I wouldn't mind getting 2 pair from you if you don't mind.
No problem Mike, I'm glad to hear they're doing well and went to a great home! I'd love to see some pictures. I'll add you to the list :).

I'll add you to the list as well Mike!

The nest I collected from the picasso/perc pair last night went really well, I got lots of fry. I made a mistake with the black O's nest and lost it though. I pulled the nest and did not aerate it enough. I got a few that hatched, but not many. I'll have more in 2 weeks or so though...
Holy crap these are nice, and the picasso white stripes are showing up already. Put me down for a couple!

As far as my pair of Mitch's onyx go, I'm still waiting for my male to be ready, my female's been ready for awhile, with ovipositor down and being that fat every couple of weeks. I had to get a replacement male because as best as I figure the female actually killed her previous male.
Thanks guys! Yes, they are growing and developing well. Slowly but surely.

I'll put you on the list for a pair Alex. :) I hope yours start spawning soon! It's such a rewarding experience.
Sounds good! I'll add you to the list. You should have plenty of time. These guys should hopefully be big enough for small nano tanks in about 2-3 months.
looking real good so far!

tho i don't think you should give Alex a pair if he plans to brand his name into their stipes!