Incredible tank; very nicely done. I'm also a believer of keeping things simple. I have skimmerless nano tanks. For me it's just regular PWCs, media cleaning and water parameter checks. :0
So jealous. Love everything about this tank. I am really studying over your aquascaping, and methods of running the tank. I hope someday to be content with my tank, but I think in this hobby there is always more to get.
We are proud to present our very first featured reef here on This stunning tank belongs to Patrick Dunne (NewSchool04). I have seen this reef in person and coral colors are absolutely amazing. Please click on the image to read an in depth writeup of his current reef. Please post all comments on this thread.
Patrick has also offered to donate an SPS frag pack to the CR Community!!!Stay tune for that.
180 gallon SPS Dominated Reef tank
Your tank is gorgeous. We are most likely upgrading to T5's in our 29 here soon.
The sebae anemone is out of hand, it seems to get bigger by the month! The RBTA's are not as big as the pic looks, there are about 7 of them on that rock. One is large, the other guy's are pretty small.
I loved the write up about your time in the hobby. I have everything I need to hook up my auto top off system and haven't done it yet. Paranoid about it failing too! Hahaha.