CR's Holiday Party at MCF !!! Dec 10

Here are the pics from the event! Sorry, they aren't up to my usual par, but I was running around wearing so many hats! I also missed so many people and a whole section of the store... I apologize! :)

We had a great turn out of about 100 people, had 50 different door prizes, food, and great people. Thank you again to Midwest Coral Farms and all of our sponsors that help put together an amazing event. Look out for another one when the weather gets nicer ;)

















Here are the pics from the event! Sorry, they aren't up to my usual par, but I was running around wearing so many hats! I also missed so many people and a whole section of the store... I apologize! :)

We had a great turn out of about 100 people, had 50 different door prizes, food, and great people. Thank you again to Midwest Coral Farms and all of our sponsors that help put together an amazing event. Look out for another one when the weather gets nicer ;)


hahahahahahaha awesome. Definitely a good event, next time I need to not be the first one to toss my raffle ticket in the bucket because it was probably just stuck to the bottom the whole time!
Nice pics. I won a refractometer but u traded with the guy in the 13th pic ( sorry forgot his screen name) for a $50 gift card to happy coral. Thanks man and thanks cr and mcf for the event.
Just rembered. I believe it was Chldshrbl and his name was Martin. Thanks again man I'm looking to buy a sps from happy coral. Hope u enjoy the refractometer. I also came up with a sps mini colony and a yellow baselet that is in qt. Will have pics tmw.
I have to say it was nice meeting you guys!! well the few that I did lol. I did show up at around 7 :( but its all good great conversations with awesome frags just got done acclimating!! post pics soon
Thank you Midwest Coral Farms, Chicago Reefs and to all the Sponsors that donated to this wonderful event! Scott and I had an awesome time. We can't wait to do it again!
Thank you CR and MCF for this great event. It was nice meeting everyone :wavey:

I think SkullV was the happiest with his price :proud:
Will post some pics when everything wakes up later today, but i picked up way to much from mcf and CR members today. Used the 75$ mcf gift card i got thanks to the CR contest last month to pick up a large wellso brain coral and some rod's food (which i won more of later in the raffle!) Also picked up one of the nano cleanup crews which are already busy working. Got a large monti, bubble coral and a powerhead as well! It was great to make it out to mcf and be able to see everyone. Thanks to all involved, it was a great time!
I didn't get any frags I wanted to stock up on because I fell in love with two beautiful nems in the front and spent all my money on the. What a great time! It's not as far a drive as I was afraid it was going to be.